
15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.233: 電商學英語 - 韓國Qoo10集團的電商炸彈 WeMakePrice and TMON liquidity crunch on ecommerce vendors

· 15Mins英語咖啡館

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It's a very eventful year for people in the IT sector in Taiwan. In the ecommerce space, a bombshell shocked everyone. Qoo10 group's WeMakePrice and TMON is in the midst of a liquidity crunch, resulting in millions of dollars in debt. This week, Lydia and Cariya sheds more light on the news

If you are in the digital marketing space and have more info on this, share your news with us and we will give you a shout out for sharing!

Hope you will enjoy this episode with us as much as we enjoyed producing it!

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