
15Mins英語咖啡館 Ep.243: 英語時光機 - 當你有了駕照人生一切都會不一樣 Do you still remember how you passed your driver's license test?


想要這集的VIP學習筆記 (內含主題討論逐字稿、常用慣用語片語及同義字、聽力小測驗)?



In this episode of 15Mins Cafe, we examine the cultural significance of driving experiences, comparing our journeys to obtaining driver's licenses in South Africa and Taiwan. We discuss the unique aspects of each country's learner's license system, our personal challenges, and our excitement for upcoming car models in 2024. Patrick and I reflect on manual versus automatic transmission, modern vehicle preferences, and the rise of electric cars. Through relatable anecdotes and driving-related idioms, we explore how navigating the roads mirrors our life journeys, making for a humorous and insightful discussion.

在這一集的15Mins 英語咖啡館中,我們探討駕駛經驗的文化意義,比較在南非和台灣考取駕照的不同歷程。我們討論了兩國考照制度的獨特之處、個人在考照過程中所面臨的挑戰,以及對2024年即將推出的新車款的期待。Patrick和我分享了對手排車和自排車的看法、現代汽車的偏好,以及電動車的崛起。透過生動的軼事分享和與開車相關的俗語,我們探索了如何在人生道路上駕駛前行,帶來一場既幽默又富有洞察力的對談。



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