15Mins 名人正念語錄 Inspirations Ep.15 知名自我提升大師 Famous self-development gurus
1. Dale Carnegie (Author of "How to Win Friends and Influence People")
Quote: "Inactionbreeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy."
戴爾·卡內基(《人性的弱點》作者) 名言:「猶豫不決會滋生懷疑和恐懼。行動能建立自信和勇氣。如果你想克服恐懼,不要坐在家裡想東想西,出門去忙碌才是正道。」
Born in 1888 in Missouri, Dale Carnegie grew up in poverty on a farm. He began his career as a salesman but found his true calling in public speaking. In 1912, he rented a YMCA room to teach public speaking, developing what would become the Dale Carnegie Course. His breakthrough came in 1936 with "How to Win Friends and Influence People," which has sold over 30 million copies and been translated into 36 languages. What many don't know is that Carnegie changed his surname's spelling from "Carnagey" to match that of industrialist Andrew Carnegie, hoping to benefit from the association. His teaching method was revolutionary – instead of focusing on theory, he emphasized practical experience and learning from mistakes. He would have students speak about their failures and learn from them, creating a supportive environment for personal growth. The Dale Carnegie Training program has graduated over 8 million people worldwide. Despite his success in teaching
confidence, Carnegie himself battled depression and self-doubt throughout his life, making his achievements even more remarkable.
2. Stephen Covey (Author of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People")
Quote: "I am not aproduct of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions."
史蒂芬·柯維(《與成功有約》作者) 名言:「我不是環境的產物,而是決定的產物。」
Stephen Covey was born in 1932 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Before becoming a management guru, he served as a Mormon missionary in England. He earned his MBA from Harvard and a doctorate from Brigham Young University. Covey spent years researching success literature from the past 200 years before writing "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" (1989), which has sold over 25 million copies in 40 languages. The book took him over 20 years to develop. Covey created the concept of "paradigm shift" in personal development and introduced the idea of "abundance mentality" versus "scarcity mentality." He suffered from a severe head injury from a bicycle accident in 2012, which led to his passing, but his work continues to influence millions. He was named one of Time magazine's 25 most influential Americans in 1996. Covey practiced what he preached – he would wake up at 5 AM daily to exercise and plan his day, demonstrating the "first things first" principle from his book.
3. Tony Robbins (Author and Motivational Speaker)
Quote: "The path tosuccess is to take massive, determined action."
東尼·羅賓斯(作家與勵志演說家) 名言:「通往成功的道路就是採取大規模的、堅定的行動。」
Born Anthony J. Mahavoricin 1960, Tony Robbins grew up in a financially struggling family. He left home at 17 and worked as a janitor to support himself. His career began when he started promoting seminars for Jim Rohn, who became his mentor. Robbins developed his own methodology by studying Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and various psychological approaches. His breakthrough came with "Unlimited Power" in 1986, but he's perhaps best known for his seminars, including the famous "firewalk" experience where participants walk across hot coals. What's less known is that Robbins has a condition called acromegaly, which caused his distinctive appearance and deep voice. He has coached notable figures including Bill Clinton, Serena Williams, and Hugh Jackman. Despite having no college degree, he's built a billion-dollar business empire. Robbins feeds millions through his partnership with Feeding America, having provided over 500 million meals to date. He attributes his success to his voracious reading habit, reportedly reading 700 words per minute and averaging one book per day in his early career.
東尼·羅賓斯原名安東尼·馬哈沃里克,1960年出生於一個經濟困難的家庭。17歲離家,靠當清潔工維生。他的職業生涯始於為吉姆·羅恩(後來成為他的導師)推廣研討會。羅賓斯研究神經語言程式學(NLP)和各種心理學方法,發展出自己的方法論。1986年出版的《無限的力量》讓他成名,但他最為人知的是他的研討會,包括著名的「走火」體驗,參與者要走過滾燙的煤炭。較少人知道的是,羅賓斯患有肢端肥大症,這造就了他獨特的外表和低沉的嗓音。他曾指導過許多名人,包括比爾·柯林頓、小威廉絲和休·傑克曼。儘管沒有大學學位,他建立了一個價值數十億美元的商業帝國。透過與慈善組織Feeding America的合作,他已提供超過5億份餐食。他將成功歸功於廣泛閱讀的習慣,據說他的閱讀速度每分鐘700字,在事業早期平均一天讀一本書。