Dear 通勤家族,謝謝你今天的參與!我們下禮拜8/15,晚上9pm在Clubhouse上見~CH連結:加入15mins通勤學英語直播室
1. The Driving Dino
Q: What do you call a dinosaur that crashes his car? 一隻恐龍撞車要叫什麼?
A: Tyrannosaurus Wrecks (T-Rex暴龍)
2. How to Stop a Bull
Q: How do you stop a bull from charging? 要如何才能讓公牛不要爆衝?
A: Cancel its credit card (Charging your credit card取消信用卡)
3. The Bashful Tomato
Q: Why did the tomato blush? 番茄為何臉紅了?
A: Because it saw the salad dressing (salad dressing 因為看到沙拉醬)
4. The Imprisoned Picture
Q: Why was the picture sent to jail? 為何畫被逮補了?
A: It was framed (framed 他被匡起來了)
5. It Has Wheels and Flies
Q: What has four wheels and flies? 有四個輪子又會飛的叫什麼?
A: A garbage truck (垃圾車)