
15Mins Live Podcast - 換句話說系列 – 憤怒與我說的其他說法Other ways to say “Angry” and “Say”

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,15minsLive直播,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing

Other ways to say: ANGRY

Enraged 觸怒

He was enraged at the article about him.

Furious 惱怒/狂怒

They were furious at not being invited to the party.

Mad 憤怒

Bill's untidiness drives me mad.

Fed up 夠了

She'd got fed up with waiting and gone home.

Cross 生氣的

I'm cross with her for lying.

Other ways to say: SAY (Said)

Tell (Told) 告訴/說

He told me to go away.

Mention (Mentioned) 談起/說到

I'll mention it to her when I see her tomorrow.

Answer (Answered) 回答

I don't know, she answered truthfully.

Add (Added) 補充

I should add that I am not happy about this decision.

Declare (Declared) 宣告

I'm leaving tomorrow; James suddenly declared.

State (Stated) 正式宣言

He stated that the project would be completed by April.

Announce (Announced) 發布/公告

Bill suddenly announced he was taking the day off,


  • Tell a personal experience related to a situation where you would use “angry” and “say”
  • Pick 4 words and make sentences