
15Mins Live Podcast - 換句話說系列 – 大與小還有什麼說法Other ways to say “big” and “small”

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Other ways to say: BIG

Large 大/大號

The house had an exceptionally large garden.

Huge 巨大/廣大

She arrived at the airport carrying two huge suitcases.

Enormous 極大

The stress there under is enormous.

Gigantic 巨人般大

This gigantic wave came in from the sea.

Massive 大而重/廣大

They stole a massive amount of money.

Other ways to say: SMALL

Tiny 微小

Though she was tiny, she had a very loud voice.

Little 小

I had little money and little free time.

Mini 迷你

I'll have a mini croissant with chocolate.

Petite 嬌小/幼小

Jane is a petite young brunette.

Slight 些許

There is only a slight difference.

Minute 微

The chances of success were minute.


  • Tell a personal experience related to something / experience that you would use “big” and “small”
  • Pick 4 words and make sentences