主題: 換句話說系列 – 朋友跟好吃還有什麼說法? Other ways to say friend and tasty
Other Ways to Say “Friend”
- Buddy
We were great buddies and did many things together.
- Chum
They were old school/college chums.
- Mate (British)
We've been mates since our school days.
- Pal
It's my old pal Pete!
- BFF (best friend(s) forever)
I fell in love with my BFF's brother.
- Bestie
One of my besties bought me this hat.
- Acquaintance
Mr. Hunter is an old business acquaintance from my years in banking.
Other Ways to Say “Tasty”
- Appetizing
That dish looks very appetizing.
- Flavourful
OMG! The sauce is so flavourful!
- Delicious
The cheese is soft and white and quite delicious.
- Mouthwatering
Look at those mouthwatering desserts.
- Yummy
I think I'll have some more of that yummy chocolate cake.
- Palatable
The meal was barely palatable.
- Juicy
She bit into the juicy orange.
1. 你與你同學在小學最喜歡吃的零食
2. 你與你同學最喜歡吃的外食
3. 你與你要好同事下班後最常吃的餐
4. 你與人生好麻吉最愛吃的一個東西