主題:英文數字 PARTII 說出價格、小數點、與百分比,幾分之幾 Money, decimals, percentages and fractions
How to Say Percentages
You read percentages as the number followed by "percent:"
- 37% - thirty-seven percent
- 12% - twelve percent
- 87% - eighty-seven percent
- 3% - three percent
How to Say Numbers With Decimals
You read decimals as the number followed by "point." Next, say each number beyond the point individually:
- 2.36 - two point three six
- 14.82 - fourteen point eight two
- 9.7841 -nine point seven eight four one
- 3.14159 - three point one four one five nine (that's Pi!)
How to Talk About Fractions
You read the top number as a single number, followed by the ordinal number + "s:"
- 1/2 - one-half
- 1/3, 2/3 - one third, two-thirds
- 1/4, 3/4 - one-quarter (one-fourth), three quarters (three-fourths)
- 3/8 - three-eighths
- 5/16 - five-sixteenths
- 7/8 - seven-eighths
Talking About Money
When you see a price such as $60, read the currency first then the number: Sixty dollars.
If the amount includes cents, express the dollar amount first, followed by the cents:
- $43.35 - forty-three dollars and thirty-five cents
- $120.50 - one hundred twenty dollars and fifty cents
Native speakers often just say the dollar number and then the cents number and drop "dollars" and "cents"
- $35.80 - thirty-five eighty
- $175.50 - one hundred seventy-five fifty
Please read the following out loud: