
15Mins Live Podcast - 常混淆的日常動詞 Say vs Tell / Talk vs Speak

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主題: 常混淆的日常動詞 Say vs Tell / Talk vs Speak

Say vs. Tell

Say can be used to mean the following:

  • To give a report of someone else words (Someone said something)
  • To ask how to use a different language (Say something in Chinese)

To tell can be used to mean:

  • To narrate (To tell a story)
  • To instruct (To tell John to buy something)


  • Did he say something about the classes?
  • How do you say I love you in Spanish?
  • Tell him to come here
  • He is telling a good story

Speak to and talk to

Speak and talk suggest that a person is using his voice, or that two or more people are having a conversation.

We can say:

  • speak to someone
  • talk to someone
  • speak to someone about something
  • talk to someone about something.

Speak is more formal

One of the main differences is formality. Speak is a little more formal than talk, and is often used in polite requests:

  • Hello, could I speak to David Thompson, please? [formal, on the telephone]
  • I’ve got a complaint: I want to speak to the manager. [formal, in a restaurant or shop]
  • Talk is a little less formal and is more common in spoken English:
  • What on earth are you talking about? = ‘you are not making sense’ or ‘you are not being truthful’.
  • I was talking to Tom yesterday. He told me about his new house and job.



  • 你對你朋友生氣 :「我會告訴你媽媽!」
  • 請告訴你的家人,你朋友說要8點半會到
  • 跟你同事說 「我們兩點可不可聊聊?」
  • 請對方講話大聲一點
  • 叫朋友不要在跟損友聊天/講話
  • 請你的小孩跟你另一半講要買牛奶回家