
每日跟讀#712: About Europe - Sheep take over streets of Madrid for annual migration



每日跟讀#712: About Europe - Sheep take over streets of Madrid for annual migration

Sheep replaced traffic on the streets of Madrid on Sunday as shepherds steered their flocks through the heart of the Spanish capital, following ancient migration routes.


The annual event, which started in 1994, allows shepherds to exercise their right to use traditional routes to migrate their livestock from northern Spain to more southerly pastures for winter grazing.


The route would have taken them through undeveloped countryside a few centuries ago, but today it cuts through Madrid’s bustling city center and along some of its most famous streets.


Sheep farmers pay a nominal charge in symbolic acknowledgement of a 1418 agreement with the city council that set a fee of 50 maravedis - medieval coins - per 1,000 sheep brought through the central Sol square and Gran Via street.


The herd includes 2,000 merino sheep and 100 goats.


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Dutch police discover family locked away for years on farm


Dutch police acting on a tip-off discovered six young adult siblings who had apparently spent years locked away in a secret room in an isolated farmhouse, local broadcasters reported.


The six, aged 16 to 25, lived with their 58-year-old father near Ruinerwold, a village in the northern province of Drenthe, and had no contact with the outside world, RTV Drenthe reported.

據「RTV Drenthe」報導,這6人的年齡介於16歲至25歲,他們與58歲的父親一起生活在荷蘭東北部德倫特省的小村莊魯那沃爾德,和外界毫無聯繫。

An employee at a local cafe told RTV Drenthe one of the family members, a 25-year-old man, had come in looking scruffy and bewildered with long hair and said he had not been outside for nine years.

當地一名咖啡館員工告訴RTV Drenthe,家庭成員之一、外表邋遢的25歲長髮男子,當時一臉困惑地走進咖啡館,並表示他已經9年沒出過門。

A police statement on Twitter said officers searched the farm after being tipped off.


"The owner of the premises did not want to cooperate so was detained," police spokeswoman Natalie Schubart told broadcaster RTL. She said six family members were being cared for after being found in a "closed-off space".


Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1326574 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1327341
