
“Best for Taipei” challenge — Ko Wen-je : businesses key to transforming society

「Best for Taipei」挑戰賽 柯文哲:改變社會要靠企業

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English

Taipei City Government has confirmed it will hold a “Best for Taipei” corporate challenge this year, making Taipei the first city in Asia to respond to the “Best for City” campaign, initiated by US NGO, B Lab. Businesses will compete with each other in categories including employee care, the environment and social impact to win the title of “Best Business for Taipei.”

台北市今年舉辦「Best for Taipei」企業挑戰賽,成為亞洲第一個城市響應美國非政府組織 B Lab 發起的「Best for City」活動。各家企業將在「員工照顧」、「環境友善」與「社會經營」等項目較勁,以爭取贏得「對台北最好的企業」的美名。

On Monday last week, during a speech at the media launch for the competition, Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je said that Taipei can achieve its vision of becoming a “liveable and sustainable” city, but that the government can only do 20 percent of the work, adding: “businesses have the power to change society.”


Ko explained that New York was the first city to take up the challenge, which was participated in by a total of 1,300 companies and 65,000 employees and added that the event is not just about showcasing courageous companies, but is also geared toward society, the environment and employees. Ko further added that self reflection and change is only possible if individuals are truly willing; external “window dressing” will not cut the mustard. Ko also said that, according to his experience of organizing similar events for the city in the past, many will attempt to fake it and massage statistics.

柯文哲說,第一個開始「Best for City」挑戰賽的城市紐約,共有一千三百家企業、六萬五千名員工參加比賽,該活動不僅是關心企業魄力,也關注社會、環境及員工等面向。他提到,反省改進須自己願意才有效,如果從外部進行都沒用;他說,如果要北市府舉辦類似比賽,「以我的經驗大家就會開始造假,假造報表。」

The “Best for Taipei” challenge is being joint promoted by Taipei City Government in collaboration with Asia Pacific B Corp Association and O-Bank and will run for one year. Businesses wishing to take part are required to register online, submit a business impact analysis and sign a “Best for Taipei” pledge in order to qualify as an initial challenger.

「Best for Taipei」企業挑戰賽由北市府、亞太B型企業協會及王道銀行共同推動,比賽期間為期一年。想要參加的企業須先上網註冊、填寫「企業影響力開評表」、簽「Best for Taipei誓約」,即可成為初級挑戰者。

Source article: http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2017/05/02/2003669765