想要這集的VIP學習筆記 (內含主題討論逐字稿、常用慣用語片語及同義字、聽力小測驗)?
本週的《英語咖啡館》John老師和Angel要來聊聊讓人不禁抱怨的「現代趨勢」!當app和會員制度充斥生活,你曾經覺得困擾嗎?這週的討論我們聚焦在「手機會員app氾濫」、「到處掃QR Code」等等讓人哭笑不得的趨勢。John老師抱怨手機裡全都是商家會員app,連整理資料夾都很麻煩;而Angel也分享了在沒有Wi-Fi的狀態下,無法掃QR Code點餐的窘境。在2025年,這些科技真的帶給我們更多便利了嗎?
This week's episode of English Café features John and Angel discussing some of the "modern trends" that make people want to complain! Have you ever felt annoyed by the overwhelming presence of apps and membership systems in your life? This week, the focus is on trends like the flood of membership apps on your phone and the endless need to scan QR codes—things that can be both amusing and frustrating.
This episode will be split into two parts, with the second part exploring another side of modern trends next week. Feel free to write to us or join the discussion on our Facebook or Instagram pages!
更多15Mins Cafe節目: www.15mins.today/15mins-cafe
歡迎主題投稿/意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com