
英語咖啡館 Ep.254: 爵士學英語 - 新年第一天的完美樂曲 Getting upbeat on the first day of the Lunar New Year


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《英語咖啡館》在歲末年初之際,帶來這首讓人活出生命的歌曲!John老師和詩詩老師今天要來談Nina Simone的經典名曲《Feeling Good》。你可能不見得知道這首歌名,但你絕對聽過這首歌。

《Feeling Good》由Nina Simone在1965年推出,它不僅是一首談論快樂的歌曲,更唱出了對自由、平等和人權的熱情。透過簡單而意象豐富的歌詞,她傳達出人人都有追求幸福的權利,也展現了音樂凝聚人心的力量。新的一年帶來新的開始,祝通勤家族每天都能保持感受美好的初心。不論是飛翔的蜻蜓、松樹的芬芳,還是寧靜的夜空,生活中處處都有值得欣賞的風景。

At the turn of the year, English Cafe brings you a song that celebrates life! Today, Teacher John and Teacher Shishi discuss Nina Simone’s classic hit “Feeling Good.” You might not recognize the title, but you’ve definitely heard this song before.

Released in 1965, “Feeling Good” by Nina Simone is more than just a song about happiness—it passionately voices themes of freedom, equality, and human rights. Through its simple yet vividly poetic lyrics, Simone conveys the idea that everyone has the right to pursue happiness while highlighting the unifying power of music.

As the new year unfolds, we hope our 15Mins Family can hold on to the mindset of appreciating life’s beauty every day. Whether it’s the sight of a dragonfly in flight, the scent of pine trees, or the tranquility of a night sky, life is filled with moments worth cherishing.

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