
英語咖啡館 Ep.256: 英語時光機 - 精緻生活的你必備的bling bling品牌 The diamond for everyone from Austria

· 15Mins英語咖啡館

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這個如同鑽石般閃亮,以優雅天鵝為標誌的品牌,一開始其實是用奧地利國花「雪絨花」(就是真善美中的小白花)作為品牌標誌喔。而施華洛世奇的品牌標語 "A diamond for everyone" 也完美詮釋了他希望讓一般大眾也能擁有閃亮配飾的品牌理念。

With Valentine's Day approaching, have you thought about how you'll be celebrating this big day? In this week's English Café, John and Patrick chat about Swarovski, the crystal jewelry brand, giving you last-minute shopping inspiration!

This brand now uses an elegant swan as its symbol, actually began with the Edelweiss flower (the small white flower from 'The Sound of Music') as its logo - which happens to be Austria's national flower. Swarovski's brand slogan, 'A diamond for everyone,' perfectly captures their philosophy of making sparkling accessories accessible to the general public.

Do you own any Swarovski accessories? Send us a comment and we will give you a shout out!

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