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又到了《英語咖啡館》的爵士學英語單元,過去我們聊過很多音樂史上的經典,而本週 John 老師和 Shimin 老師要帶來一首跨越半世紀、至今仍然觸動人心的歌曲:John Lennon 的《Imagine》。
這首在1971年發行的歌曲,不只是一首簡單的流行歌曲,更像是世界和平的共同語言。有趣的是,直到2017年,約翰藍儂的妻子小野洋子 Yoko Ono 才正式獲得這首歌的共同創作者身份!另外,這首歌的創作過程超乎想像的快速,John Lennon 和 Yoko 竟然只花了一個下午茶的時間就完成了!《Imagine》這首歌被 Rolling Stone 雜誌評選為史上500大最佳歌曲中的第三名,這樣的成就甚至超越了很多 Beatles 的作品。
Welcome back to the music appreciation episode of "English Café"! While we've discussed many classic moments in music history before, this week Shimin and I are going to introduce a song that has moved people for over 50 years: John Lennon's "Imagine."
Released in 1971, "Imagine" is more than just a pop song - it has become a universal language for world peace. Here's an interesting fact: it wasn't until 2017 that John Lennon's wife, Yoko Ono, was officially recognized as the song's co-creator! Another surprising detail is how quickly the song was written - John Lennon and Yoko completed it in just one afternoon over tea! "Imagine" was ranked #3 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time, achieving even higher recognition than many Beatles songs.
What is your favorite part of this song? Send us a comment and we will give you a shout out in the next episode!