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睡覺占了我們人生三分之一的時間,但你對自己每晚躺的床墊了解多少?本週的《英語咖啡館》John 老師和 Patrick 老師帶你一窺全球頂級床墊品牌 Simmons 席夢思的百年傳奇!
原來席夢思早在 1870 年就成立了,不僅發明了獨立筒技術,還是king size和queen size床墊的首創者!更令人驚訝的是,他們曾找來發明電燈的愛迪生和汽車大王亨利福特當代言人,難怪能成為奢華酒店的首選。本集節目兩位老師還分享了許多與床相關的英文慣用語,像是「起床氣」和「床底錢」的道地表達方式!
Sleep takes up one-third of our lives, but how much do you really know about the mattress you lie on every night? In this week's "English Café," John and Patrick take you behind the scenes of the global premium mattress brand Simmons and its century-long legacy!
It turns out Simmons was established as early as 1870, not only inventing the pocketed coil technology but also pioneering king size and queen size mattresses! Even more surprising is that they once had Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, and automobile magnate Henry Ford as their spokespersons, no wonder they became the preferred choice of luxury hotels. In this episode, the two teachers also share many bed-related English idioms, including authentic expressions for "waking up on the wrong side of the bed" and "mattress money"!