
每日英語跟讀 Ep.900: About India - ’Honk more, wait more’: Mumbai tests traffic lights that reward the patient driver 孟買測試可獎勵有耐心駕駛的交通號誌與間諜鴿子

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.900: About India - ’Honk more, wait more’: Mumbai tests traffic lights that reward the patient driver

There is a truth universally acknowledged by drivers in India: honk your horn loud enough and the traffic lights will surely change to green.


But, fed up with impatient drivers inflicting a deafening roar every time they are forced to stop, police in Mumbai have come up with a new system to punish those who cannot wait at traffic lights in silence.


The new system was quite simple: "Honk more, wait more."


Mumbai police installed a rigged traffic light system to tackle the problem of "reckless honkers", which resets the red traffic signal every time the sound of car horns goes above 85 decibels. For particularly honk-happy drivers, it could mean a very long wait at the lights.


Mumbai was ranked as the fourth most congested city in the world, according to the TomTom traffic index, with 65% congestion and drivers spending an average of eight days and 17 hours in traffic each year.


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India returns alleged bird spy to Pakistan/印度把被指控的鳥間諜交還巴基斯坦

Indian police have released a pigeon belonging to a Pakistani fisherman after a probe found that the bird, which had flown across the contentious border between the nuclear-armed nations, was not a spy, two officials said on Friday.


The Pakistani owner of the pigeon had urged India to return his bird, which Indian villagers turned over to police after discovering it.


“It’s just an innocent bird,” Habibullah, the owner of the bird, who goes by just one name, told Reuters on Friday.


He rejected allegations that the numbers inscribed on a ring on the pigeon’s leg were codes meant for militant groups operating in the disputed region of Kashmir.


Habibullah, who lives in a village near the Kashmir border, one of the most militarised zones in the world, said the bird had participated in a pigeon racing contest and the digits on the bird’s leg were his mobile phone number.


In 2016, a pigeon was taken into Indian custody after it was found with a note threatening Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1377877 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1383670
