
每日英語跟讀 Ep.926: About animals - Humans can tell what chimps are saying... sort of 人類可以聽懂黑猩猩與哥國狗狗外送



在哪裡: 臺北市松山區復興北路1號6樓之3-603 (小樹屋)
日期時間: 9/12 星期六 14:00-15:30 (可閒聊到16:00)
活動人數: 30 人
費用: 每人NT250 (含一杯咖啡+甜點)

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.926: About animals - Humans can tell what chimps are saying... sort of

New research published Wednesday shows that humans can tell when a chimpanzee is happy, sad, angry or scared - simply by listening to their cries.


"We demonstrate for the first time that humans can accurately map other species vocalisations to specific behavioural contexts," Roza Kamiloglu, a researcher at the University of Amsterdam and lead study author, told AFP.


Kamiloglu and the team asked close to 3,500 participants to listen to recordings of 150 chimp sounds, then decide based on what they heard if the animal was in a positive or negative situation, and whether it was excited or relaxed.


Around 300 participants were then asked to match sounds to a list of 10 behaviours, including chimps mating, being separated from their mothers, or being scared by something.


The humans proved surprisingly adept at understanding the correct context in which the cries were recorded.


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Doggy deliveries help Colombians shop during pandemic 狗狗外送員幫助哥倫比亞人在疫情下購物

Eight-year-old Eros trots through the streets several times a day with a straw basket in his jaws, taking vegetables, fruit and packaged foods to customers of the El Porvenir mini-market. The chocolate Labrador retriever is paid with treats and massages of his furry head.


"He helps us maintain social distancing," says Eros’ owner Maria Natividad Botero. "And people love it when we send the dog."


Eros remembers the names of customers who have previously rewarded him with treats. And with some practice, he has learned to go to their houses on his own.


"He knows the names of five or six of our customers," said Botero. "So I send the merchandise with a receipt in the basket, and my customers pay me through a bank transfer."


Eros is happy to help his owners and collect his pay. "He’s quite a glutton. He won’t leave your house until you give him a treat."


Source arcticle: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1391305 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1390608
