
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K098: 《感謝簡單Jan Dan提供專屬優惠》Pretty in pink: Saudi Arabia’s summer capital is adorned with millions of spring roses 阿拉伯的夏季首都裝飾著數百萬朵春玫瑰

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《簡單JAN DAN X 通勤學英語》


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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K098: Pretty in pink: Saudi Arabia’s summer capital is adorned with millions of spring roses 

In Saudi Arabia, there are two traditional types of pink roses that are widely adored and sold for various purposes, both significant in their smell, cultivation standards, and price. The light blush pink of the Madinah rose is available all through the year, and it grows in cool to warm weather, while the Taif rose, also known as the Jory or Damascus rose, is a seasonal type that grows only during the spring months for 45 to 60 days in cold to cool weather.


Away from the hot desert weather, the city of mountains, located 1,800 meters above sea level, is known for its mild climate, with cool rainy weather in winter and spring, making it an ideal atmosphere for roses to grow. 


For the next two months, farmers across the city head out to gardens and orchards to harvest the roses in full bloom and place them in sacks moistened with water to keep them fresh. Thousands of farms, gardens and orchards are spread across the mountains of the city and distributed around its terraces.


It takes each pink rose 10 days to fully bloom; farmers then crop the harvest and pick roses manually in the early morning before sunrise.

“We have 900 rose farms around Taif city, each approximately 5,000 meters wide, producing around 30 million roses during the season,” Al-Kamal said.

When cropping, weighing and processing, Al-Kamal personally supervises the harvest, explaining that “the main stages of counting and weighing the harvest need to be carefully done to assure the process is going as it should be. During the peak of the season we harvest 1.2 million roses a day,” he said. 

在種植、稱重和加工時,Al-Kamal 親自監督收成,並解釋說,"需要仔細完成對收穫進行計數和稱重的主要階段,以確保這一過程按其應有的進行。在旺季,我們每天收穫120萬朵玫瑰,"他說。

The factory has three main product lines made from Taif roses, including intense rose water used for medical and cosmetic purposes made from 35,000 roses, regular rose water used in food and beverages, made from 20,000 roses, and refined rose water that produces rose oil as a deluxe perfume, made from 45,000 roses.

The three are developed for a variety of other formulas to produce over 70 products made from pink rose extracts.


Inside the factory, five brass pots stand next to one another in a small room dating from when the factory first started. “My ancestors used to rely on this room as a rudimentary factory; the pots used to slowly cook under wooden ovens for days. However, after several generations, the factory expanded to take an extra 120 pots with gas ovens. All the old wooden ovens were kept as a reminder.”


 To prepare the products, sacks of thousands of roses are poured into the large 90-liter copper pots, that are later sealed tight for a 9-12 hour distillation process, after which fragrant oil extract can be found floating on the intense rose water surface. 


It takes 45,000 roses to make this precious extract, poured into 12ml vials. The scent has citrus and flowery notes, and the price of a vial starts at $400-450 depending on the season.

製作這種珍貴的提取物需要四萬五千朵玫瑰,倒入 12 毫升小瓶中。香味有柑橘和華麗的音符,小瓶的價格從400-450美元開始,這取決於季節。Source article: https://www.arabnews.com/node/1836611/saudi-arabia

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