每日英語跟讀 Ep.K132: Taking Trips That Mean Something
Carol Sullivan awoke recently in Cuenca, Ecuador, excited for the day ahead. She was in the second week of her study abroad experience, and after Spanish class, she and her fellow students were going to the local market to buy dinner ingredients and practice their new language skills.“The local women may be aghast at how little we know but are very willing to let us try,” Sullivan said. She and her husband, Terry, who is also her classmate, are in their early 70s.The Sullivans are part of a trend among adult travelers, who show a growing interest in going to class, volunteering or working abroad as part of their experience.
卡蘿.蘇利文最近在厄瓜多的昆卡市醒來,對將要展開的這一天感到興奮。這是她出國留學體驗的第二周,上完西班牙文課後,她和同學要去當地市場購買晚餐食材,並操練他們新習得的語言能力。蘇利文說:「本地的婦女可能對我們會得如此之少目瞪口呆,但非常樂意讓我們嚐試。」 她的丈夫泰瑞是她的同班同學,兩人都70歲出頭。蘇利文夫婦代表著成年旅客一種新趨勢,他們對到國外上課、當志工或工作,讓它成為生活經驗的一部分,興趣越來越高。
Older travelers often want to continue to learn and have an impact on the world, said Andrew Gordon, who founded the company Diversity Abroad 12 years ago. “They want their travel to have meaning,” he said. Gordon’s company connects and does advocacy work for nontraditional students who want to study overseas.Road Scholar, which organized the Sullivans’ program, began as an organization offering not-for-credit classes on university campuses for adults age 60 and over. Now it offers what it calls educational travel adventures worldwide. Travelers may focus on a particular ecosystem they are visiting, attend class on a college campus or, in a twist on the Semester at Sea concept, spend 115 days on an ocean liner circling the globe with experts delving into destinations’ histories and cultures. All adults are welcomed, but the audience typically skews older and the average age of a “road scholar” is 70.
12年前創立「海外多元文化」公司的安德魯.戈登說,年長旅行者往往希望能繼續學習,並對世界產生影響。 他說:「他們希望他們的旅行能有意義。」戈登的公司專替那些想到外國學習的非傳統學生負責中間的連繫與宣傳工作。主辦蘇利文夫婦出國學習計畫的「道路學者」成立之初,是個提供60歲以上成人大學校園非學分制課程的組織。現在該組織提供他們所謂的全球教育性旅行冒險。旅行者可能聚焦於他們造訪的某個特定生態系統,在某個大學校園上課,或是新一種的「海上學期」概念,花115天搭乘郵輪,和專家一起繞世界一周,鑽研所到目的地的歷史與文化。所有成人都歡迎報名,不過愛好者年齡通常偏高,「道路學者」的平均年齡是70歲。
The organization is a nonprofit and offers family caregiver grants and other scholarships.JoAnn Bell, the senior vice president of program development at Road Scholar, said that adults studying abroad, like their college-age counterparts, value the time in a foreign country’s culture as much or more than academic instruction.“We had seen a decline in enrollment for programs heavily weighted to classroom time,” Bell said. “People want to get out and experience the country for themselves.” Stopping for a croissant and chatting with the neighborhood cafe owner every morning on the way to class was just as important as the class, she said.
該組織屬非營利性質,提供家庭照顧者獎助金和其他獎學金。「道路學者」的體驗班開發高級副總裁喬安.貝爾說,這些到外國留學的成人,和大學生年紀的留學生一樣,對於浸淫在外國文化中的這段時間十分珍惜,程度不在接受學術教學之下,甚至猶有過之。貝爾說:「我們看到課堂時間比例偏重的一些計畫報名人數開始下降。人們希望走出教室,自己體驗這個國家。」她說,每天早上上課途中,停下腳購買可頌麵包,和附近咖啡館的老闆聊聊天,和上課一樣重要。Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/326673/web/
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