
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K138: About Australia - 鼠患橫掃澳洲東部與更改國歌反映原住民歷史 Mouse plague sweeps Australia’s east


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K138: About Australia - Mouse plague sweeps Australia’s east

Swathes of Australia’s rural east are battling a "plague" of mice that is infesting crops and producing hair-raising scenes of rodents running amok.


Farmers in New South Wales have reported "a drastic increase" in the mouse population, with the creatures invading grain silos, barns and homes, according to the NSW Farmers association.


Videos captured on the Moeris family farm in Gilgandra show thousands of mice scurrying from under pipes, through storage columns and over machinery.


The skin-crawling clips were too much for some social media users.


"This is exactly what nightmares are made of! I can’t even watch the videos," said one Facebook user in response to Melanie Moeris’ posts. 



Australia changes national anthem to reflect Indigenous history 澳洲更改國歌以反映原住民歷史

The anthem, "Advance Australia Fair," has been tweaked to recognize the country’s Indigenous history and communities, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced.


The first line, "Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free," will now end with "one and free."


The anthem has become controversial in recent years, amid growing conversation about Indigenous representation, systemic inequality, and racial injustice. In particular, many have pushed back against the phrase "for we are young and free", a nod to when Britain’s First Fleet landed in Australia in 1788.


The government has a history of changing the song to be more inclusive - when Peter Dodds McCormick’s original 1878 composition was declared the official national anthem in 1984, replacing "God Save the Queen," two instances of "sons" were switched with gender-neutral phrasing.

政府過去也曾改動這首歌,以更具包容性。當彼得.多滋.麥考米克1878年譜寫的原曲,於1984年取代「天佑女王」被定為國歌時。曾將歌詞兩處的「兒子」改為性別中立的詞語。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1448321; https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1429554



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