
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K153: 奧萬大喜見「領角鶚」家族 呆萌模樣超療癒 Family of protected collared scops owls discovered in Nantou

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K153:  Family of protected collared scops owls discovered in Nantou

Aowanda National Forest Recreation Area in Nantou County’s Renai Township has temporarily closed its doors to visitors to conform with the government’s nationwide level 3 COVID-19 alert. With nesting season currently underway, a family of collared scops owls — a protected species in Taiwan — has taken up residence in one of the park’s Taiwan incense cedar trees.


Although the recreation area is temporarily closed to the public, the epidemic prevention measures have not stopped its birds and bees from procreating. The months of May and June are nesting season, and things really come to life after dark. Within the recreation area it is possible to observe owls brooding, hear chicks chirping and see adult owls shuttling to and fro from their nests with morsels of food to help their little darlings grow up quickly.


Workers from the recreation area and research specialists from the Endemic Species Research Institute in the county’s Jiji Township were checking breeding boxes when they discovered a family of protected collared scops owls resting in a Taiwan incense cedar tree. The team believes there are at least four collared scops owls nesting in the tree. They have spotted them resting side-by-side in pairs or perching independently. The owls all had their heads tucked down and their eyes closed, sound asleep.


The team quickly grabbed the opportunity to photograph the charming scene, taking as many photos as possible of the owls. While the photographers were snapping away, one fledging owl discreetly opened its big, bright eyes and inclined its head to peek at the people below, which was captured on film to produce a surprisingly soporific photograph of the owlet’s adorably goofy expression.

樹下的人們則是抓緊時機,拿起相機對著可愛的領角鶚家族猛拍,領角鶚幼鳥還會謹慎的睜眼查看,一雙水汪汪、圓滾滾的大眼睛,歪著頭看著樹下的人,呆萌的模樣讓人看了超療癒。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/06/20/2003759460