每日英語跟讀 Ep.K173: Taiwan to participate in 18 sports at Tokyo Olympics
Delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tokyo Olympics is finally taking place between this Friday and Aug. 8. The 68-member Taiwan team is set to take part in 18 sports, including archery, badminton, boxing, canoeing, cycling, dressage, golf, gymnastics, judo, karate, rowing, shooting, swimming, table tennis, taekwondo, tennis, track and field and weightlifting.
因武漢肺炎(新冠病毒,COVID-19)而延期的東京奧運,終於將在本週五開幕,比賽至八月八日閉幕。本屆台灣代表隊將派出六十 八名選手,參加十八種體育競賽,包括射箭、羽球、拳擊、輕艇、自由車、馬術、高爾夫、體操、柔道、空手道、划船、射擊、游泳、桌球、跆拳道、網球、田徑、舉重。
Taiwan only won one gold and two bronze medals at the Rio Olympics. Although a forecast of medals is difficult since the pandemic has disrupted qualifying events and training, Taiwan is expected to get five to 10 medals. Some top athletes — such as weightlifter Kuo Hsing-chun, gymnast Lee Chih-kai and badminton player Tai Tzu-ying — are all strong contenders for golds.
Over 11,000 athletes from 206 nations and territories will attend the Tokyo Olympics. According to AP, the pressure to hold the Olympic Games during the pandemic is largely financial for the International Olympic Committee (IOC): cancellation could cost the IOC about US$3 to US$4 billion (NT$84 to NT$112 billion) in broadcast rights income.
來自全球二○六個國家或地區、超過一萬一千名選手,將參與這次東奧盛會。據美聯社報導,國際奧委會(IOC)主要因財務壓力而決定在疫情下辦奧運,如果東奧停辦,IOC將損失約三十至四十億美元(約八百至一千一百二十億台幣)的轉播權利金。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/07/21/2003761178
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