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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K186: ‘Black Widow’ Gives a Taste of How Theaters and Streaming Can Coexist
There has been a lot of hand-wringing about the demise of movie theaters over the past year and a half, and for good reason. Most were closed for at least a few months during the height of the pandemic. Companies like the Walt Disney+ Co., NBCUniversal, WarnerMedia and Viacom have started to prioritize streaming for their films, in part to bolster subscriber interest in their own Netflix-style platforms.
Over the weekend came evidence that, at least for the biggest franchise films and with a carefully calibrated pricing strategy, theatrical distribution and streaming can coexist.
At least for now.
“Black Widow,” a long-delayed Marvel movie, collected about $80 million in the U.S. and Canada from Thursday night to Sunday for Disney. Overseas, the superhero movie sold an additional $78 million in tickets. That means that, in total, roughly 17 million people went to see the movie in a theater, according to Rich Greenfield, a founder of the LightShed Partners research firm.
延後多時才上映的漫威電影「黑寡婦」,周四晚間至周日在美國與加拿大為迪士尼賺進約8000萬美元票房收入。在海外,這部超級英雄電影票房收入7800萬美元。研究機構LightShed Partners創辦人葛林菲德指出,這意味共有約1700萬人到戲院看電影。
Disney also made “Black Widow” available on its Disney+ streaming service, which has more than 100 million subscribers worldwide. Subscribers could instantly watch the film (and have permanent access to it) for a $30 surcharge. Disney said Sunday that Disney+ generated about $60 million from “Black Widow” orders over the weekend. Greenfield said that figure equated to about 2 million transactions and about $48 million in revenue for Disney after streaming partners had taken their cut.
There are several takeaways. “Imagine being a theater owner and realizing studios need you less and less everyday,” Greenfield wrote on Twitter. “Leverage is shifting rapidly in the streaming era toward the studios.”
On the other hand, the fact that 17 million people decided to leave their bubbles and go sit with strangers in a theater — amid rising coronavirus infections, the result of the delta variant — when they could just push a button in their living rooms is nothing to sneeze at. For now, theatrical distribution remains a major revenue generator and cannot be ignored if studios want to make money on big-budget spectacles.
另一方面,新冠病毒Delta變異株肆虐引發病例增加之際,人們明明可以在自家客廳按鈕收看,卻有1700萬人決定放棄與世隔絕,到電影院跟陌生人坐在一起,這不是小數目。目前如果製片廠想在高成本大片賺錢,院線發行仍是不能忽視的主要收入來源。Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/5623457