
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K239: 「深偽技術」是什麼? 該如何辨識?What are deepfakes – and how can you spot them?

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K239: What are deepfakes – and how can you spot them?

Have you seen Barack Obama call Donald Trump a “complete dipshit,” or Mark Zuckerberg brag about having “total control of billions of people’s stolen data”? Answer yes and you’ve seen a deepfake. The 21st century’s answer to photoshopping, deepfakes use a form of artificial intelligence (AI) called deep learning to create images of fake events, hence the name deepfake.


The AI firm Deeptrace found 15,000 deepfake videos online in September 2019, a near doubling over nine months. A staggering 96 percent were pornographic, and 99 percent of those mapped faces from female celebrities onto porn stars.


Is it just about videos? No. Deepfake technology can create convincing but entirely fictional photos from scratch.


Audio can be deepfaked too. In March 2019, the chief of a UK subsidiary of a German energy firm paid nearly £200,000 into a Hungarian bank account after being phoned by a fraudster who mimicked the German CEO’s voice. Similar scams have reportedly used recorded WhatsApp voice messages.


How do you spot a deepfake? Poor-quality deepfakes are easier to spot. The lip synching might be bad, or the skin tone patchy. However, spotting a deepfake gets harder as the technology improves. In 2018, US researchers discovered that deepfake faces do not blink normally. No surprise there: the majority of images show people with their eyes open, so the algorithms never really learned about blinking. At first it seemed like a silver bullet for the detection problem, but no sooner had the research been published than deepfakes appeared with blinking. Such is the nature of the game: as soon as a weakness is revealed, it is fixed.

要如何辨識deepfake呢?品質差的deepfake較容易被識破──嘴唇可能不太同步,或者膚色不均勻。但隨著技術的進步,辨識deepfake變得越來越難。二○一八年,美國有研究人員發現deepfake的人臉無法正常地眨眼。這不令人意外:大多數影像所顯示的人臉,眼睛都是睜開的,因此演算法從未真正學習到眨眼。起先眨眼似乎是識破深偽的訣竅。但這項研究發表後不久,會眨眼的deepfake就出現了。這就是遊戲的本質:弱點一被發現,就會被修復。Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/10/25/2003766696



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