
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K283: 自行車騎士戴安全帽 停等區這樣畫的原因曝光 Bike box silhouettes must wear helmets

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K283: Bike box silhouettes must wear helmets

Many people have noticed that the motorcycle and slow vehicle stop zones on roads have recently taken on a very different appearance. They used to only have a motorcyclist symbol painted on them, but recently there are both motorcyclist and bicyclist symbols. The most special thing about them is that the bicyclist symbol is clearly wearing a cycle helmet. This has inspired many road users to say approvingly that even stop zones are teaching traffic safety lessons by reminding everyone that they should still obey traffic regulations and wear safety helmets when riding a bicycle.


However, some people wonder why the bicyclist symbol drawn in the motorcycle and slow vehicle stop zones is wearing a helmet, whereas the motorbike rider seems not to be wearing a helmet and appears to be bare-headed. Others disagree, however, because, they ask, if the motorcyclist is wearing a full-face helmet, what is wrong with drawing it as a white circle?


Director-General Lin Han-pin of the Changhua County Government Department of Public Works says that the Ministry of Transportation and Communications has published its latest Regulations for Road Traffic Signs, Markings, and Signals, so when any county highway managed by the county government is resurfaced and has its lines repainted, the job will be done in accordance with the new version of the regulations.


Lin says that, according to the latest regulations, motorcycle and slow vehicle stop zones must be delineated behind the stop line on all roads with a speed limit below 60 kilometers per hour where there are intersections with traffic control signals. Motorcyclist and bicyclist symbols must be painted within the motorcycle and slow vehicle stop zones, and the bicyclist symbol in the new version of the regulations is wearing a helmet.


Lin says that previous motorcyclist symbols painted on roads all used a solid white circle to represent the rider wearing a helmet, but the motorcyclist symbol in the new regulations looks like a front view of the rider wearing a full-face helmet, and the symbol clearly shows the helmet’s visor, which makes it more realistic than the original symbol. From now on, contractors will be required to paint all markings and symbols in full accordance with the new version of the regulations.

林漢斌說,以前馬路上的機車圖案,都用白色實心圓形代表機車騎士戴上安全帽,而新規定的機車圖案,看起來就像是機車騎士戴著全罩安全帽的正面,圖案可以明顯看到安全帽的面罩,比原有圖案更逼真,未來也將要求廠商全部依照新版規定來劃設標線與圖案。 Source article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2021/12/11/2003769366