每日英語跟讀 Ep.K305: Italian man tattoos COVID-19 vaccine passport QR code on arm
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, European countries have launched COVID-19 vaccine passports so that fully vaccinated people can swiftly enter and exit public places with a QR code.
因新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情持續延燒,歐盟國家陸續推出「健康通行證」,民眾須掃QR code才能進出各公共場所。
Against this backdrop, a 22-year-old Italian student, Andrea Colonnetta, shared photos of himself received a tattoo of his COVID-19 vaccine passport’s QR code, also called “Green Pass Certificate,” on his left arm on Instagram. He later posted the video on TikTok. In both the video and photos, the QR code was successfully scanned by authorities, inspiring many social media users to do the same.
義大利一名22歲學生柯隆內塔(Andrea Colonnetta)近日突發其想將COVID-19(2019冠狀病毒疾病)健康證書的二維條碼(QR Code)紋於手臂上並將照片分享在網上。經過實際測試後,發現居然可以成功完成掃描,此舉也在社群媒體引起熱議。
According to NEWSWEEK, Colonnetta said he didn’t think much about the tattoo, but wanted something original and different. After discussing with the tattoo artist, he decided to get a thematic and practical tattoo: the black QR code of his official “Green Pass” issued by the Italian government.
《NEWSWEEK》報導中提到,柯隆內塔表示,他在刺青前並沒有考慮太多,初衷是想要些原創和與眾不同的設計,與刺青師討論過後,決定刺上有主題性且實用的紋身,也就是關於義大利政府推出的官方「綠色通行證」(Green Pass)的黑色二維碼。
Despite receiving two shots of the vaccine, he added that his parents still asked him to avoid rushing through the matter. He has since received a lot of attention on social media for his digital “Green Pass” tattoo.
Since Aug. 6, Italy has required citizens to have a digital green pass to enter and exit theaters, museums and indoor stadiums or to eat in restaurants. The certificate can be acquired in the form of a QR code, which shows the status of the vaccination, including whether the vaccinated recently recovered from the disease and whether a test result taken within 48 hours was negative.
自8月6日開始,義大利規定出入戲院、博物館和室內體育館或於餐廳室內用餐都須出示數位健康通行證。而健康通行證採QR code(快速反應二維碼)形式,顯示新冠疫苗接種狀況、是否已染疫康復或過去48小時採檢是否呈陰性。Source article: https://chinapost.nownews.com/20210826-2734602