
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K364: 歐洲教師很難向學生解釋俄烏戰爭 Hard Questions From Students Across Europe

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K364: Hard Questions From Students Across Europe

As they returned from playing tag at recess on a recent sunny morning, the red-cheeked children had lots of questions.


“Russia is big enough; why does he want more land?” Max, 11, his eyes on an atlas, asked his teacher about President Vladimir Putin of Russia.

俄羅斯足夠大那他為什麼想要更多的土地?11歲的馬克斯盯著一本地圖集,向他的老師詢問了俄羅斯總統Vladimir Putin的情況。

Jessica, 11, stood with a knee on her chair. “Why are most crazy people men?” she wondered.


Issy, 11, turned to the teacher: “Would you stay and fight for your country?”


Tara Harmer, a teacher of 36 years, paused to think. “It’s a difficult one, isn’t it?” she said in her elementary school classroom in Horsham, a town in southern England. “My instinct would be to protect you,” she reasoned. “Yes, I think I would fight for my country.”

36歲的塔拉·哈默(Tara Harmer)停下來想了下。“這是個很難回答的問題,不是嗎?” 她在英格蘭南部小鎮霍舍姆(Horsham)的小學教室里說。“我的本能是保護你,”她解釋。“是的,我想我會為我的國家而戰。

As Europeans have grappled with the shock of facing a war on their doorstep and a frenzied news cycle, many teachers have had little time to process what was happening; they had to

provide answers, and fast.


“I have had 100 questions,” said Sandro Pellicciotta, who teaches geography at a high school in the northern Italian city of Bologna. “And to be honest, I am quite afraid of saying some nonsense.”

“我有100個問題,”在義大利北部城市博洛尼亞的一所高中教地理的桑德羅·佩利喬塔(Sandro Pellicciotta)說。“說實話,我很害怕說一些廢話。

Schoolchildren today were born long after the Balkan conflicts of the 1990s, and some were toddlers when the war in Syria was at its height. No conflict they are old enough to

remember has been so widely displayed on their TikTok feeds as the war in Ukraine, or so close to home.


The distance between their world and that of geopolitics has telescoped, and teachers have struggled to assuage fears that this war might affect them all. After two years of a pandemic,

they also say the war has undermined their efforts to convince children that the world is not a hostile place.


Teachers across Europe described the challenges they were facing in the classroom and the questions they had been asked.


Governments around Europe have acknowledged the challenges that the war in Ukraine poses for teachers and have drafted guidelines for them.


In France, the government said teachers should explain the common history of Russia and Ukraine, but make clear that it “does not substantiate the thesis that Ukraine, a sovereign state, does not have the right to independence.” According to the guidelines, teachers should also not insist on discussing the war if students are reluctant to do so.

在法國,政府表示,教師應該解釋俄羅斯和烏克蘭的共同歷史,但明確表示,這“並不能證實烏克蘭這個主權國家沒有獨立權的論點”。根據指導方針,如果學生不願意討論戰爭,教師也不應該堅持討論戰爭。Source article: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/6242895