
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K489: About running - 英國男子24小時橫越愛爾蘭與跑步可降癌症機率 British man runs the width of Ireland in under 24 hours

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing

每日英語跟讀 Ep.K489: About running - British man runs the width of Ireland in under 24 hours

Ultramarathon runner Robert Pope of Liverpool, England, drank a pint of Guinness right before setting off on the run that would make him the first person to successfully run the width of Ireland in under 24 hours.


44-year-old Pope ran from Galway City on Ireland’s west coast to the capital Dublin in just 23 hours and 39 minutes.


He ran a total of 133.5 miles and celebrated with a second pint of Guinness.


Pope said the project was born out of a conversation he had with some fellow runners at an event in Britain.


"I gave myself a 40 percent chance of actually pulling it off. I actually was surprised when I just couldn’t find any record of anyone having done it."


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以色列科學家發現,跑步可將患某些癌症的機率降低72% Running reduces chance of some cancers by 72%, Israeli scientists find

People who regularly run or engage in other aerobic exercise cut their chance of developing some cancers by 72 percent, according to research from Tel Aviv University


Aerobic exercise makes some organs so efficient at grabbing sugar that is in the body that tumors are left starved of glucose, and often unable to grow and spread, the peer-reviewed study published last week suggested.


It focused on metastatic cancer, meaning cancer that has spread from its original location in the body. Researchers believe there are also strong benefits in preventing primary tumors, but focused on metastatic cancer as it is Israel’s leading cause of death.

該研究專注於轉移性癌症,即從體內原位擴散的癌症。研究人員認為,對於預防原發性腫瘤也有很大好處,但重點是轉移性癌症,因為它是以色列的主要死因。Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1554468 ; https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1555202