
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K554: 隨著美中兩國科技戰的發展,日本將限制部分電腦晶片外銷 Japan to Restrict Some Computer Chip-Making Exports as US-China Tech War Rages On

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing

每日英語跟讀 Ep.K554: Japan to Restrict Some Computer Chip-Making Exports as US-China Tech War Rages On

Japan's government has announced plans to restrict exports of 23 types of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, joining the US and the Netherlands in taking action against China in the ongoing tech war. The measures will apply to major technology companies such as Tokyo Electron and Nikon and will range from tools used to clean silicon wafers to immersion lithography machines. The policy is set to be implemented in July after being subject to public comment. The move comes after the US and the Netherlands adopted similar restrictions on microchip exports.


The global microchip supply chain has become a battleground in the US-China tech war, with semiconductors powering everything from mobile phones to military hardware. Washington has imposed export controls on microchips to China, and China has responded by labelling the US a "tech hegemony." However, Japan's trade and industry ministry did not mention China or the US in its announcement, instead stating that the measures would contribute to international peace and stability.


According to Japanese trade minister Yasutoshi Nishimura, the restrictions were not coordinated with the US. He added that if Japanese exports were not being reappropriated for military use, they would continue exporting and the impact on companies would be limited. The announcement was made as Japan's foreign minister, Yoshimasa Hayashi, prepared to visit Beijing to meet his Chinese counterpart Qin Gang for "an honest and frank discussion to create a constructive and stable relationship."


The Japanese restrictions will affect exports of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, including lithography machines, which use lasers to print tiny patterns on silicon as part of the manufacturing process of microchips. The move is expected to have a significant impact on the global microchip supply chain as Japan is a key producer of semiconductor equipment, alongside the US and the Netherlands.


As the US-China tech war rages on, countries around the world are grappling with the question of how to balance national security concerns with the need to maintain a global supply chain for microchips, which are a crucial component in the production of many everyday items. With Japan's announcement, it seems that the trend of restricting microchip exports is set to continue, further complicating the already complex relationship between China and the rest of the world.

隨著美中科技戰爭的持續,世界各國正試圖平衡國家安全和維持微晶片全球供應鏈的需求,微晶片是許多日常物品生產的重要組件。隨著日本的宣布,似乎限制微晶片出口的趨勢將繼續,進一步複雜化中國和世界其他國家之間已經複雜的關係。Reference article: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-65134017