
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K562: 法國退休金改革引發抗議活動 Protests in France over Pension Reform


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K562: Protests in France over Pension Reform

Protests erupted across France ahead of the ruling on President Emmanuel Macron's controversial pension reform, with demonstrators marching against plans to increase the retirement age from 62 to 64. Trade unions called for the nationwide protest, which was attended by an estimated 400,000 to 600,000 participants.


In Paris, protesters marched along the designated protest route, while some holding lit flares veered off towards the Constitutional Council. The council will decide on Friday whether any or all parts of the legislation meet constitutional standards. The protesters faced off with a large contingent of police deployed outside the building.


The rubbish collectors' strike began in conjunction with the nationwide protests, with bags of rubbish dumped outside the Constitutional Council building earlier in the day. In previous strikes, mounds of rubbish were left on the streets of Paris for days.


Several thousand protesters also marched in Toulouse, Marseille, and other cities. However, tensions escalated in Brittany, particularly in Nantes and Rennes, where a car was burned.


The decision of the Constitutional Council, whose job is to determine whether a law is in line with the Constitution, is binding. The council is expected to decide whether to partially approve, fully accept, or reject Macron's pensions overhaul, whose headline measure is to push back the retirement age. Opponents of the plan have challenged the government's decision to include the pension plan in a budget bill, which they claim significantly accelerated the legislative process.


Polls have consistently indicated that a majority of French people are opposed to the pension reform, which has been a bone of contention between the government and the opposition. Macron's offer to discuss the follow-up to the Constitutional Council decision has not yet received a formal response from the unions.

民意調查一直表明,法國大多數人反對退休金改革,這一問題已成為政府和反對派之間的爭議焦點。馬克宏提出討論憲法委員會決定後續措施的提議,尚未得到工會的正式回應。Reference article: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/13/protests-in-france-ahead-of-fridays-pension-reform-ruling