
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K584: 比爾·蓋茨預測人工智慧對Google搜尋和亞馬遜的顛覆性潛力

Bill Gates Predicts AI's Disruptive Potential on Google Search and Amazon

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing

每日英語跟讀 Ep.K584: Bill Gates Predicts AI's Disruptive Potential on Google Search and Amazon

During a recent event on artificial intelligence organized by Goldman Sachs and SV Angel, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates shared his belief that the future of artificial intelligence lies in the development of a personal digital agent capable of performing various tasks for individuals. Gates emphasized that this technology has the potential to significantly alter user behavior, eliminating the need for people to visit search engines, use certain productivity tools, or shop on platforms like Amazon. The first company to successfully create such an AI assistant will have a significant advantage over its competitors, according to Gates.

在最近由高盛集團和SV Angel天使投資公司舉辦的一場人工智慧活動中,微軟聯合創始人比爾蓋茨分享了他的信念,認為人工智慧的未來在於開發一個能夠為個人執行各種任務的個人數位秘書。蓋茨強調這項技術有可能大大改變使用者行為,使人們不再需要使用搜索引擎、使用特定的生產力工具,或在亞馬遜等平台上購物。根據蓋茨的說法,成功創建此類人工智慧助手的第一家公司將在競爭對手中佔有極大優勢。


The envisioned AI personal assistant will possess a deep understanding of users' needs and habits, offering assistance in reading materials that individuals may not have time to explore. Gates expressed these thoughts during the Goldman Sachs and SV Angel event held in San Francisco, focusing on the topic of artificial intelligence. The profound impact of this technology on user behavior cannot be overstated, as it has the potential to revolutionize the way individuals interact with digital platforms and access information.

設想中的人工智慧個人助手將深入理解用戶的需求和習慣,提供協助閱讀個人可能無暇探索的資料。蓋茨在舊金山舉辦的高盛集團和SV Angel天使投資公司的活動中表達了這些想法,重點討論了人工智慧的主題。這項技術對用戶行為的深遠影響不容小覷,因為它有潛力徹底改變個人與數位平台互動和獲取資訊的方式。


Gates believes that the future leading company in artificial intelligence has a 50-50 chance of being either a startup or a tech giant. While Gates expressed hope for Microsoft's involvement in this field, he also acknowledged the impressive work of certain startups, including Inflection.AI, co-founded by former DeepMind executive Mustafa Suleyman. However, Gates emphasized that it will take some time before this powerful AI agent is ready for mainstream use. In the meantime, companies will continue integrating generative AI technologies, such as OpenAI's popular ChatGPT, into their own products.

蓋茨認為,未來人工智慧領域的領先公司有一半的可能性是新創公司,另一半可能是科技巨頭。雖然蓋茨表示希望微軟參與這一領域,但他也承認某些新創公司的作為令人印象深刻,包括由前DeepMind執行長穆斯塔法蘇萊曼(Mustafa Suleyman)共同創立的Inflection.AI。然而,蓋茨強調這款強大的人工智慧助手還需要一些時間才能為主流使用做好準備。與此同時,公司們將繼續將生成式人工智慧技術(如OpenAI受歡迎的ChatGPT)整合到自己的產品中。


Beyond the impact on digital platforms, Gates also discussed how AI can accelerate innovations in the healthcare sector. He expressed optimism that advancements in AI will lead to more advanced drug development, potentially offering solutions for diseases like Alzheimer's. Gates speculated that within the next decade, human trials for new drugs could take place, bringing us closer to finding effective treatments. Furthermore, Gates mentioned the potential impact of generative AI technologies on both white-collar and blue-collar workers. The rise of text-generating AI has the potential to transform the nature of work, while the development of humanoid robots that are cost-effective for companies could affect blue-collar employment.



In a light-hearted remark, Gates jokingly commented on the importance of ensuring that these advanced robots do not "get Alzheimer's" as humanity continues to explore and harness the potential of AI in various fields.



Reference article: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/22/bill-gates-predicts-the-big-winner-in-ai-smart-assistants.html