
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K590: OpenAI CEO 山姆·阿特曼敦促美國監管人工智慧

Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO, Urges US Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

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每日英語跟讀 Ep.K590: Sam Altman, OpenAI CEO, Urges US Regulation of Artificial Intelligence

Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI and the mastermind behind the advanced chatbot ChatGPT, has appealed to US lawmakers to implement regulations for artificial intelligence (AI). In his testimony before a US Senate committee, Altman emphasized the potential and risks associated with this emerging technology. With the rapid introduction of several AI models into the market, Altman proposed the establishment of a new agency responsible for licensing AI companies.

OpenAI的CEO和高級聊天機器人ChatGPT的幕後功臣山姆·阿特曼(Sam Altman)呼籲美國立法者制定人工智慧(AI)的監管法規。他在美國參議院委員會的證詞中,阿特曼強調了這項新興技術的潛力和風險。隨著幾款AI模型迅速進入市場,阿特曼提議建立一個負責發放AI公司許可證的新機構。


Altman, a 38-year-old entrepreneur, has emerged as a prominent figure in the burgeoning AI industry. He has been vocal about addressing the ethical concerns raised by AI and has actively advocated for increased regulation. Recognizing the immense possibilities of AI, Altman also acknowledges its potential dangers. He believes that if misused, AI can have severe consequences, and therefore, OpenAI aims to collaborate with the government to prevent such occurrences.



Altman also acknowledged the potential impact of AI on the economy, highlighting the possibility of job displacement in certain fields due to the adoption of AI technologies. He emphasized the need for clarity regarding these foreseeable changes and stressed that the government should proactively develop strategies to mitigate any negative effects. Despite these concerns, Altman remains optimistic about the future job opportunities that will arise as a result of AI advancements.



During the Senate committee hearing, Altman expressed his worries about the potential impact of AI on democracy. He specifically highlighted the use of AI to disseminate targeted misinformation during elections, emphasizing that it is one of his "areas of greatest concerns." Altman suggested that a new agency in the US should regulate the industry through a combination of licensing and testing requirements for AI companies, particularly those developing and releasing AI models with significant capabilities. Furthermore, he advocated for independent audits of companies like OpenAI.



There was a consensus among senators that a new regulatory body is necessary to oversee the AI industry. However, the rapid pace of technological advancements led some legislators to question whether such an agency would be able to keep up effectively. Regardless, it is clear from the testimonies that both Republicans and Democrats support the implementation of regulations to maximize the benefits of AI while mitigating potential risks. As the debate continues, it is essential to strike a balance that fosters innovation and safeguards against the misuse of AI technologies.



Reference article: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65616866