
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K592: 台北捷運將引進韓文車站廣播並擴大日文服務

Taipei MRT to Introduce Korean-language Announcements and Expand Japanese-language Services

· 每日跟讀單元 Daily English,國際時事跟讀Daily Shadowing

每日英語跟讀 Ep.K592: Taipei MRT to Introduce Korean-language Announcements and Expand Japanese-language Services

The Taipei Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system is set to enhance its services for international tourists by introducing Korean-language station announcements at 15 of its busiest stops. The Taipei Rapid Transit Corp (TRTC) announced this development on Tuesday, in response to the increasing number of South Korean tourists visiting Taiwan.



According to statistics compiled by the Tourism Bureau, South Korea has become the second-largest source of travelers to Taiwan after Japan. Between 2018 and March of this year, approximately 2.14 million South Koreans visited the nation. In light of these figures, TRTC has decided to record Korean station announcements for the 15 most-popular stops on the Taipei MRT system.



The selected stops for the Korean-language announcements include Taipei Main Station, Zhongshan, Dongmen, Taipei 101/World Trade Center, Tamsui, Ximen, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Minquan West Road, Songjiang Nanjing, Zhongxiao Xinsheng, Guting, Nanjing Fuxing, Zhongxiao Fuxing, Daan, and Nangang Exhibition Center. Furthermore, TRTC has also expanded the number of stops with Japanese-language announcements from 13 to 21.



Japan continues to be a significant contributor to Taiwan's tourism industry, with around 3.4 million Japanese visitors recorded between 2018 and March. The additional eight stops that will feature Japanese-language announcements are Minquan West Road, Songjiang Nanjing, Zhongxiao Xinsheng, Guting, Nanjing Fuxing, Zhongxiao Fuxing, Daan, and Nangang Exhibition Center. The implementation of both the Korean and Japanese announcements is expected to be completed by the end of August, with gradual rollouts planned.



In addition to these language services, TRTC emphasizes its commitment to providing visual stop displays in both Chinese and English. This effort aims to enhance the convenience and accessibility of the Taipei MRT system for international visitors. The company also expressed its dedication to continuously improving services for tourists by gathering and analyzing tourist statistics. TRTC's ultimate goal is to offer announcements in Mandarin, followed by foreign languages such as English, Japanese, and Korean, as well as the local languages of Hoklo (commonly known as Taiwanese) and Hakka.



Overall, these language additions and enhancements to the Taipei MRT system are expected to cater to the diverse needs of international tourists, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable travel experience in Taiwan's capital city.



Reference article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2023/06/08/2003801205