
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K608: 玉山國家公園提供與熊類對峙時的小秘訣

Tips for Bear Encounters in Yushan Park


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K607: Tips for Bear Encounters in Yushan Park

The Yushan National Park Administration recently released helpful advice on how to prevent encounters with Formosan black bears, following a survey that identified the mountain as the most significant habitat for this endangered species in Taiwan. With elevations ranging from 300m to 3,952m above sea level, Yushan boasts alpine features that make it one of Taiwan's most valuable nature preserves, particularly for the Formosan black bear population. According to the latest survey conducted by the park authorities, the number of bears in the park has been steadily increasing and currently stands at approximately 300.



Formosan black bears are frequently sighted in various areas of the park, such as Tataka, the Batongguan Traversing Trail, and the South Cross-Island Highway, which are popular among hikers. With the recent Dragon Boat Festival, a significant influx of visitors is expected to visit the mountain. In light of this, park officials have provided five key recommendations to minimize the chances of bear encounters.



Firstly, if visitors spot a bear from a distance, it is crucial to remain calm and avoid startling the animal. Leaving the area promptly and quietly is advised, without making loud noises or sudden movements. Secondly, carrying a bear bell or whistle can help deter bears from approaching. The sound emitted by these items tends to keep animals at a distance. Thirdly, it is important to package food properly to prevent its smell from attracting bears. Additionally, individuals should refrain from leaving trash or food waste in Yushan, as this can encourage bears and other animals to develop a habit of seeking food from humans. Lastly, visitors are advised not to bring pets along, both to minimize the risk of disease transmission and to ensure the safety of other park visitors.



In the event of encountering a bear or spotting traces of one, visitors should promptly notify the park authorities through the online reporting system available at URL . This enables the park to respond effectively and take appropriate measures. In related news, the Kenting National Park Headquarters announced an unprecedented migration of purple butterflies across County Highway 200 on the Hengchun Peninsula. Due to recent heavy rains in Pingtung County, an astonishing number of milkweed butterflies, with over 100,000 in total, have been observed crossing the highway at a rate of up to 1,200 per minute. Motorists are urged to exercise caution and drive at speeds below 40kph when passing through the area, as these delicate creatures can easily be crushed by faster-moving vehicles.



Reference article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2023/06/21/2003801907