
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K611: 逆齡回春:韓國人擁抱國際年齡系統,體驗青春變革

Aging Backwards: South Koreans Embrace International Age System, Experience Youthful Transformation


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K611: Aging Backwards: South Koreans Embrace International Age System, Experience Youthful Transformation

In a significant legal change, every person in South Korea has experienced a sudden reduction in age by at least one year. This adjustment comes as the country adopts the internationally recognized age counting system, replacing one of its two traditional methods. Previously, individuals were considered one year old at birth, accounting for the time spent in the womb. The implementation of the new law took effect on Wednesday, resulting in South Koreans instantly becoming a year or two younger.



The conventional "Korean age" system, where individuals aged up by one year every January 1st regardless of their actual birth date, has now been replaced. Under the previous system, someone born on New Year's Eve would turn two years old on New Year's Day. In contrast, the alternative method, known as "counting age," treated individuals as zero at birth but incremented their age by one every January 1st. For example, a person born on New Year's Eve would turn one on New Year's Day. While the "counting age" method is still utilized in many legal contexts, such as determining the legal drinking age, the recent legal change could result in South Koreans having their ages reduced on official documents.



Minister of government legislation, Lee Wan-kyu, stated during a briefing that the new age calculation method is expected to alleviate legal disputes, complaints, and social confusion related to age calculations. Since the 1960s, South Korea has used the international norm of starting from zero at birth and incrementing age by one on each birthday for medical and legal documentation. However, many South Koreans continued to use the traditional method in daily life. A government survey conducted in September of the previous year indicated that 86% of respondents intended to adopt the international age system in their everyday lives once the new law was implemented.



The shift to the internationally recognized age system has been met with enthusiasm among South Koreans. Choi Hyun-ji, a 27-year-old office worker in Seoul, expressed excitement about the adjustment: "I was about to turn 30 next year [under the traditional Korean age system], but now I have some more time earned, and I love it." Many citizens share this sentiment, enjoying the feeling of becoming younger overnight. With the implementation of the new law, South Koreans have embraced the opportunity to recalibrate their ages and adopt the age system recognized worldwide.



Reference article: https://news.sky.com/story/south-koreans-instantly-become-younger-under-new-age-counting-system-12910916