
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K615: AI加速美國政府的行政流程

AI Accelerates Administrative Processes in US Government


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K615: AI Accelerates Administrative Processes in US Government

With the emergence of AI, various industries have been exploring its potential applications, including government agencies. The Yokosuka City Government in Japan has leveraged ChatGPT to enhance the efficiency of document processing, such as sentence modification, summarization, grammar and spelling checks. Similarly, government agencies in the United States, like the New Mexico Human Services Department, are implementing AI systems to handle internal emails. These advancements aim to streamline administrative processes and improve productivity.



The New Mexico Human Services Department is actively working towards implementing an automated workflow system, similar to ChatGPT, to enhance communication efficiency and task execution speed. For instance, they have recently introduced an intelligent chatbot program that automatically responds to citizen inquiries regarding social welfare programs. Citizens can inquire about subsidy eligibility, implementation dates, and program details. If the AI's response is unsatisfactory, the system will connect them with on-site staff. This system creates more opportunities for employees to interact with citizens, enabling them to focus on addressing complex issues rather than routine tasks.



As a technology vendor for the New Mexico state government, SS&C Blue Prism's consultant director, Brad Hairston, believes that the public sector needs extensive adoption of automation technologies to cope with increasingly complex administrative processes. One remarkable application of AI in the New Mexico government is the acceleration of newborn registration. Since 2020, the state government has collaborated with technology companies such as IBM and SS&C Blue Prism to develop an automated process, codenamed "baby bot." This system integrates hospital information systems and utilizes an AI chatbot to register newborns swiftly, completing the process in just 10 minutes. Previously, this procedure involved manual form filling and mailing, taking nearly a month for completion.

作為新墨西哥州政府的技術供應商,SS&C Blue Prism的顧問總監Brad Hairston認為,公共部門需要廣泛采用自動化技術來應對日益複雜的行政流程。AI技術在新墨西哥州政府的一個顯著應用是加速新生兒登記,自2020年以來,州政府與IBM和SS&C Blue Prism等技術公司合作開發了一個代號"baby bot"的自動化流程。該系統整合了醫院信息系統,利用AI聊天機器人快速註冊新生兒,完成整個過程只需10分鐘。此前,整個流程需要手動填寫表格,郵寄給州政府機構處理,需要近一個月的時間。


Despite differing opinions within the US government regarding AI adoption, the New Mexico state government plans to integrate AI tools into various departments and accumulate more data for analysis and decision-making purposes. The implementation of AI systems is expected to save over 100,000 work hours annually. While these AI tools are relatively new, it may take some time for governments to establish their credibility and ensure compliance with regulations, as mentioned by Anthony Boese, a researcher at the National Artificial Intelligence Institute (NAII). Nonetheless, Joseph Tighe, the director of the New Mexico Human Services Department, expressed the state's commitment to integrating more departmental systems and harnessing data to assist in analysis and provide decision-making recommendations in the future.

儘管美國政府對於AI的採用存在不同意見,但新墨西哥州政府計劃將AI工具整合至各個部門,累積更多數據以進行分析和決策。實施AI系統後每年預計能節省超過10萬個小時的工作時數。儘管這些AI工具相對較新,但正如國家人工智能研究所(NAII)的研究員Anthony Boese所提到的,政府可能需要一點時間來建立它們的可信度並確保符合法規;而新墨西哥州公共服務部主任Joseph Tighe也表示,該州致力於更多部門系統的整合,並利用數據進行分析,提供未來的決策建議。


Reference article: https://buzzorange.com/techorange/2023/05/23/ai-digital-worker/