
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K619: 印度禁止稻米出口引發全球震盪,美國稻米市場仍保持穩定

India's Rice Ban Creates Global Ripples, but US Rice Market Remains Stable


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K619: India's Rice Ban Creates Global Ripples, but US Rice Market Remains Stable

Last month, India's sudden ban on the export of non-basmati white rice caused panic among some US shoppers and raised concerns about destabilizing rice supplies worldwide. The move impacted importers and loyal consumers of Indian-grown non-basmati varieties, especially in Southeast Asia and West Africa, where India is a significant rice supplier. However, the United States, which primarily relies on domestic rice production, remains in a favorable position with a healthy yield this year.



India's ban affects approximately 15% of its rice trade and aims to lower rice prices and secure availability in the country. Despite the ban's intentions, it has sent the Asian market into a state of concern, leading to worries about food inflation, particularly in countries heavily reliant on Indian rice imports. The Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, and Senegal are among the countries most impacted.



While there is hope that the ban is a precautionary measure and might be lifted soon if India's rice supply remains steady, potential ramifications in the global market are expected. Once the ban is lifted, a flood of Indian rice could enter the market, causing fluctuations and an emotional over-correction.



In contrast, the United States enjoys a stable rice market this year. Previously, US rice farmers faced challenges due to drought, leading some to switch to more lucrative crops. However, favorable conditions this year, including significant rainfall and snowfall in California, have resulted in a healthy and robust US rice crop. The US primarily imports specialty and fragrant rice, with domestic rice production satisfying about 70-80% of the domestic market.



The ban significantly impacts the specialty rice market in the United States, particularly businesses and customers dependent on non-basmati rice. Importers and distributors of non-basmati Indian rice in the US are facing challenges due to halted exports. Some grocery stores have witnessed a surge in shoppers buying Indian rice in response to the news.



Despite the concerns, US rice producers and distributors assure consumers that there is enough rice to meet demand, and they discourage panic-buying. The situation has prompted some importers to explore alternatives such as parboiled rice, which is not affected by the ban. Importers are hopeful that exemptions will be made for non-basmati varieties favored by expat communities.



Reference article: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/03/business/india-rice-export-ban/index.html