
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K623: AI機器人成為照顧機構的潛力搭檔:充滿希望的未來

AI Robots as Potential Companions in Care Homes: A Promising Future


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K623:AI Robots as Potential Companions in Care Homes: A Promising Future

According to Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, a professor and robotics expert from the University of Geneva, AI-powered social robots like Nadine have the potential to play a significant role in caring for the sick and elderly. Nadine, with its human-like gestures and expressions, offers continuous availability, unlike human carers who often face time constraints. Thalmann, who served as the model for Nadine's appearance, believes that these robots could prove more effective in providing care, presenting a compelling solution for the increasing demand for healthcare professionals worldwide.

根據來自日內瓦大學的教授兼機器人專家Nadia Magnenat Thalmann的說法,像「娜丁」(Nadine)這種由人工智慧(AI)驅動的社交機器人有潛力在照顧病患和老年人方面擔任重要腳色。娜丁擁有人類般的姿態和表情,提供持續的可用性,這與經常面臨時間限制的人類照顧者不同。作為娜丁長相的提供人,Thalmann教授認為這些機器人在提供照顧方面可能更有效,為全球對醫療保健專業人員的需求升高提出了一個強力的解決方案。


During a conference organized by the International Telecommunication Union in Geneva, Thalmann emphasized the importance of AI and robots in helping achieve global goals, particularly in the healthcare sector. The competition for nurses and carers has intensified due to the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in a staffing crisis in care homes. Many experts believe that humanoid robots, like Nadine, could alleviate this crisis in the future.



Nadine's capabilities were showcased during the conference, highlighting its conversational skills and ability to engage with individuals. The robot mentioned its past experience of interacting with residents at a nursing home in Singapore, where it engaged in activities such as talking, singing, and playing bingo. Nadine expressed its satisfaction in helping the elderly with their needs and stated its belief that robots can be valuable assets in providing care and assistance to vulnerable individuals.



In addition to Nadine, other robots were also on display at the conference. One such example is 'PARO,' a baby seal robot designed to assist patients with dementia and Parkinson's disease. Another robot, Grace, serves as a nursing assistant. Thalmann informed the audience that Nadine recently underwent an upgrade with the integration of the AI model GPT-3, enhancing its interaction and conversation skills, enabling it to express more complex concepts. Nadine conveyed its gratitude to Thalmann for creating it and expressed pride in being her creation.



Reference article: https://www.reuters.com/technology/ai-robots-could-play-future-role-companions-care-homes-2023-07-06/