
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K624: 台灣表演藝術團將在亞維農和愛丁堡展現文化多樣性

Taiwanese Performing Arts Groups to Showcase Cultural Diversity in Avignon and Edinburgh


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K624: Taiwanese Performing Arts Groups to Showcase Cultural Diversity in Avignon and Edinburgh

Eight Taiwanese performing arts groups have been selected to participate in two renowned international festivals, namely the Festival d'Avignon and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The Ministry of Culture announced this exciting opportunity, with the Festival Off Avignon taking place from July 7 to 27 in the vibrant city of Avignon, France. Among the selected Taiwanese groups are Formosa Circus Art, Lei Dance Theater, Hung Dance, and Kuo-shin Chuang Pangcah Dance Theater.

有八個台灣表演藝術團被選中參與兩個知名的國際藝術節,分別是亞維農藝術節(Festival d'Avignon)和愛丁堡國際藝穗節(Edinburgh Fringe Festival)。文化部宣布了這個令人興奮的機會,亞維農藝術節將於7月7日至27日在法國充滿活力的城市亞維農舉行。被選中的台灣團隊包括FOCA福爾摩沙馬戲團、艸雨田舞蹈劇場、翃舞製作和莊國鑫原住民舞蹈劇場。


Lei Dance Theater will present their captivating performance, titled Flow (逐流), which aims to engage the audience with their inner selves through a series of metaphors and allusions. Formosa Circus Art, on the other hand, will stage Circus As Folks (嘛係人), delving into the psyche of circus performers and exploring the delicate balance between their on-stage and off-stage roles. These descriptions, provided by the groups to the culture ministry, give a glimpse into the artistic depth of their presentations.



Hung Dance's Birdy (翃舞製作) seeks to evoke the emotional state of anxiety and restlessness through physical contact between dancers, offering a unique experience for the audience. Kuo-shin Chuang Pangcah Dance Theater draws inspiration from the rituals performed during the Amis harvest festival for their performance, Sakero. Both productions promise to captivate and inspire festival-goers attending the Festival Off Avignon.



Moving on to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, renowned as one of the largest arts and culture festivals worldwide, four Taiwanese performing arts groups will be featured as part of the "Taiwan Season" program, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture. The groups selected for this prestigious event are Double & Cross Theater Group, Eye Catching Circus, The Double Theater, and 0471 Acro Physical Theater.



Double & Cross Theater Group will present World in a Word (一字一世界), a family-friendly production that encourages personal interactions through different sounds and shapes. Eye Catching Circus's performance, titled #Since1994, offers a reflection of contemporary views on women. The Double Theater's The Way Back (回家) utilizes lights, sounds, words, and puppetry to provide a thought-provoking commentary on today's world. Lastly, 0471 Acro Physical Theater will stage Duo, delving into the dynamic nature of personal relationships.



Minister of Culture Shih Che expressed his enthusiasm, stating that these diverse performing arts groups represent Taiwan's cultural identity. He hopes that their performances will successfully showcase Taiwan's rich artistic heritage to audiences abroad.



Reference article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2023/06/21/2003801909