
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K625: 零售和餐飲業銷售持續增長,批發業面臨挑戰

Retail and Food & Beverage Sales Show Growth, While Wholesale Sector Struggles


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K625: Retail and Food & Beverage Sales Show Growth, While Wholesale Sector Struggles

According to a recent report by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the domestic retail, and food and beverage sectors experienced significant growth in sales last month. Retail sales reached NT$371.9 billion (US$11.86 billion), marking a 13.9 percent year-on-year increase, while food and beverage sales surged to NT$83.4 billion, showing an impressive 34.7 percent rise compared to the previous year. On the other hand, the wholesale sector faced challenges, experiencing an eighth consecutive month of decline due to weak demand and inventory adjustments.



The growth in retail sales last month was primarily driven by department stores, which reported a remarkable 30.4 percent increase compared to the previous year. Additionally, sales of automobiles, motorbikes, and related components soared by 45 percent, while clothing and accessories sales rose by 22.2 percent. However, sales of information and communications technology products, home appliances, and household equipment experienced a decline of 5.5 percent annually. Supermarkets and hypermarkets also faced a dip in sales, with a respective decrease of 5 percent and 7.2 percent.



The food and beverage sector's growth was attributed to catering service providers, which reported an impressive 71.8 percent rise in sales year-on-year. This increase was boosted by airlines adding more passenger flights, leading to higher demand for in-flight meals. Restaurant sales also surged by 36.1 percent, supported by the holiday effect of the Dragon Boat Festival and teacher appreciation banquets during the graduation season. Additionally, beverage sales increased by 16 percent, driven by higher demand for cold drinks amidst hot weather.



In the second quarter of the year, retail sales continued to perform well, rising by 12.7 percent year-on-year, reaching NT$1.12 trillion. The first six months of the year witnessed a record high in retail sales, totaling NT$2.23 trillion, showing a 9 percent growth. The food and beverage sector also experienced remarkable growth, with sales in the second quarter rising by 36.9 percent to NT$248.6 billion and sales in the first six months reaching a record high of NT$503.8 billion, a growth of 26.3 percent. However, the wholesale sector faced ongoing challenges, reporting an 11.4 percent decline in sales last month, amounting to NT$965.5 billion. The second quarter saw a 13.1 percent drop in wholesale sales, totaling NT$2.82 trillion, and sales for the first six months declined by 12.3 percent, amounting to NT$5.61 trillion.



The Ministry of Economic Affairs predicts that this month's retail and food and beverage sales will continue to rise as more people are willing to spend during the summer vacation. Additionally, auto dealers are planning larger promotional campaigns ahead of Ghost Month, the seventh month of the lunar calendar, which is generally considered an inauspicious time to purchase new vehicles. However, the wholesale sector is expected to face further challenges, as the global economy's growth momentum remains sluggish and end-market demand continues to be weak.



Reference article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/biz/archives/2023/07/25/2003803685