
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K626: 革命性的「室溫超導體」LK-99引發全球爭議

Revolutionary 'Room-Temperature Superconductor' LK-99 Sparks Global Debate


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K627: Revolutionary 'Room-Temperature Superconductor' LK-99 Sparks Global Debate

Scientists from Korea University recently made headlines with their claim of discovering a groundbreaking "room-temperature superconductor" called LK-99, which has garnered widespread attention in the field of solid-state physics. If verified, this discovery could have transformative implications for various industries, including electronics, energy, and medical imaging. However, the scientific community remains cautious, awaiting replication and peer validation to confirm the legitimacy of the claims.



Superconductors, materials that enable electricity to flow without resistance, have been pursued in physics for over a century. Initially, superconductivity was observed in materials only at extremely low temperatures near absolute zero, making practical applications challenging. Subsequent research identified a few "high-temperature" superconductors, but they still required significant cooling. The novelty of the Korean researchers' claim lies in LK-99's ability to maintain superconductivity at temperatures up to around 127°C, which could revolutionize various technological fields.



The material composition of LK-99 consists of copper, lead, phosphorus, and sulfur, rendering it cost-effective and readily available for potential industrial applications. The prospect of room-temperature superconductors has sparked excitement, with possibilities ranging from faster microchips and more efficient electric motors to lossless electricity transmission and improved medical scanners. Quantum computing, a field that relies heavily on superconducting materials, could also benefit significantly from room-temperature superconductors, potentially eliminating the need for bulky refrigerators.



Despite the enthusiasm, skepticism abounds within the scientific community. The papers detailing LK-99 are preprints, yet to undergo peer review or publication in reputable scientific journals. Researchers worldwide have attempted to replicate LK-99's properties, but so far, none of these efforts have been successful. Some scientists synthesized the material for testing purposes, while others evaluated LK-99 using theoretical methods. Both approaches have yet to provide direct evidence of superconductivity.



Reference article:

1. https://www.timesnownews.com/technology-science/scientists-discovery-of-room-temperature-superconductor-sparks-global-interest-article-102437880

2. https://siliconangle.com/2023/08/04/superconducting-lk-99-material-draws-raised-eyebrows-scientists-going-viral/