
每日英語跟讀 Ep.K632: 儘管全球新冠疫情升溫,東京的夜生活仍在努力復甦中

Tokyo's Nightlife Struggles to Recover Despite Global COVID Rebound


每日英語跟讀 Ep.K632: Tokyo's Nightlife Struggles to Recover Despite Global COVID Rebound

Tokyo's nightlife is still struggling to regain its vibrant glow even as the global economy recovers from the impact of COVID-19. NASA's luminosity data reveals that the city's nighttime brightness remains at 90% of its pre-pandemic levels in 2019, while cities like Paris and London have fully regained their nocturnal radiance.



According to data processed by the Colorado School of Mines using NASA satellite images, Nikkei, a Japanese news source, has calculated the nighttime brightness of various cities during the April-October period of 2022. The findings show that Paris experienced a 3.2% increase in illumination levels and London saw a 1.4% rise from 2019 averages. However, Tokyo's luminosity dropped by 11.6%.



This decline in Tokyo's nighttime radiance is largely attributed to the slow recovery of its central business districts, which were once bustling hubs for after-work socializing. The decrease in luminosity is more pronounced in entertainment districts than residential areas. Nightspots like Roppongi, Shinjuku, and Ginza saw light levels drop by over 15%. Downtown foot traffic in February was about 20% lower than three years prior, according to mobile location data from Docomo Insight Marketing. Labor shortages are exacerbating the situation, making it challenging for understaffed eateries to operate late into the night.

東京夜間亮度的下降主要歸因於其中央商業區恢復的緩慢,這些地區曾經是下班後繁忙的社交中心。亮度的下降在娛樂區比住宅區更為明顯。六本木、新宿和銀座等夜生活熱點的燈光水平下降超過15%。根據電信公司Docomo Insight Marketing提供的行動設備定位數據,2月份市中心的人流量比三年前少約20%。勞動力短缺也加劇了這種情況,使得人手不足的餐廳難以經營到深夜。


The decline in business hours has affected consumption patterns. According to TableCheck, customer traffic at Tokyo eateries in March was 14.9% below the 2019 average. Declines were steeper during late hours, with a drop of 44.8% between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. and 57.9% between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m.



Takahiro Saito, representative director of the Japan Nighttime Economy Association (JNEA), emphasizes the need to attract different customer groups, such as families and foreign visitors, to revitalize the sector. He suggests increasing the number of downtown theaters and social events.

日本夜間經濟協會(JNEA)的代表董事Takahiro Saito強調了吸引不同客戶群的必要性,如家庭和外國遊客,以振興該領域。他建議增加市中心劇院和活動的數量。


Although an increase in foreign tourists is expected with COVID-19 restrictions being lifted, Tokyo faces challenges like limited public transportation at night. Despite these hurdles, this situation presents an opportunity for Tokyo to not only boost its economy but also rejuvenate its urban culture.



Reference article: https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Datawatch/Tokyo-nightlife-still-not-fully-lit-despite-global-COVID-recovery