
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K654: 梅西的影響:MLS串流訂閱激增

Messi's Impact: Major Surge in MLS Streaming Subscriptions


國際時事跟讀 Ep.K654: Messi's Impact: Major Surge in MLS Streaming Subscriptions

The arrival of soccer sensation Lionel Messi in the United States has triggered a remarkable surge in various aspects of Major League Soccer (MLS), including ticket prices, merchandise sales, and most notably, streaming subscriptions.

足球巨星梅西(Lionel Messi)抵達美國,引發了美國職業足球大聯盟(MLS)多方面的驚人增長,包括球票價格、商品銷售,以及最顯著的是串流訂閱。


According to Antenna, an analytics firm, the MLS Season Pass, which is Apple's streaming package for broadcasting soccer matches, witnessed an astounding 1,690% increase in sign-ups on the day Messi made his debut for Inter Miami. Just a day prior, there were approximately 6,000 subscriptions, but this figure skyrocketed to a staggering 110,000 on July 21 when Messi played his first match in the Leagues Cup.

跟據數據分析公司Antenna報導,美國職業足球大聯盟季票(MLS Season Pass)是蘋果提供的足球賽事串流組合,梅西首次亮相邁阿密國際隊的那天,訂閱人數驚人地增加了1,690%。就在一天前,訂閱人數大約只有6,000人,但在7月21日梅西首次參加聯賽杯比賽時,這個數字飆升到了驚人的110,000人。


In a recent blog post, Antenna described the impact of Messi's arrival as the "Messi Effect," noting that this level of growth for a year-old streaming package was both unique and profound. Typically, sport-specific streaming services see a surge in sign-ups at the start of the season, followed by gradual additions due to significant games or pricing promotions. However, the statistics reveal that nearly half of all MLS Season Pass sign-ups occurred in July following Messi's entry into the league, underscoring the enormous interest he brought to Major League Soccer.



Antenna's research also uncovered that 15% of MLS Season Pass subscribers also subscribed to Apple TV+, which is home to Apple's scripted programming, including popular shows like "The Morning Show" and "Ted Lasso." Additionally, nearly half of the new subscribers were already Apple TV+ subscribers before adding MLS Season Pass, which costs an additional $12.99 per month, to their subscription.

Antenna的研究還發現,有15%的MLS季票訂戶還訂閱了Apple TV+,這是蘋果的戲劇節目平台,包括《晨間直播秀》和《泰德·拉索:錯棚教練趣事多》等熱門節目。此外,幾乎一半的MLS新訂戶在添加季票(每月額外收費12.99美元)之前已經是Apple TV+的訂戶。


It's worth noting that Antenna's data only covers sign-ups in the United States, and the global appeal of the international superstar likely extends even further.



Apple has not disclosed the exact number of subscribers to the service. However, Apple's Senior Vice President of Services, Eddy Cue, recently stated that it is performing "much better than forecasted" in terms of subscriptions and viewership. Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, echoed this sentiment during an August earnings call, acknowledging that Messi's move to Inter Miami had a positive impact on their streaming service.

蘋果尚未公開該服務的訂戶數字。然而,蘋果服務的副總裁Eddy Cue最近表示,就訂閱和觀眾數而言,表現“優於預期”。蘋果執行長Tim Cook在八月的一次財報電話會議上也重申了這一觀點,承認梅西加入邁阿密國際隊對他們的串流服務產生了積極影響。


Messi actively promotes the MLS Season Pass on match days by sharing sign-up links on his Instagram stories. This is not surprising, as reports suggest that his deal with Inter Miami includes a share of the revenue generated from new MLS Season Pass subscribers.



Last summer, Apple secured a groundbreaking 10-year, $2.5 billion deal to stream MLS matches internationally, marking the tech giant's first major sports agreement. Messi's signing has undoubtedly made this media rights deal even more valuable than initially anticipated, solidifying his status as a global soccer icon with a profound impact on the American soccer scene.



Reference article: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/05/business/leo-messi-apple-tv-signups/index.html