國際時事跟讀 Ep.K661: Nighttime Harvesting in Bordeaux: A Response to Climate Change
Highlights 摘要:
- Adapting to Climate Change: Nighttime harvesting in Bordeaux is a response to climate change, helping maintain grape quality amid rising temperatures.
- Financial and Environmental Benefits: Beyond quality, nighttime harvesting offers financial benefits by reducing energy costs and environmental benefits by limiting refrigeration needs.
- Industry-Wide Adoption: This practice, common in hot regions like Australia and California, is gaining acceptance in Bordeaux and may extend to red grapes as climate change accelerates.
In France's renowned Bordeaux region, winemakers are adopting an unconventional approach to grape harvesting – doing it at night. This shift in tradition is not only driven by the pursuit of top-quality wines but is also a direct response to the challenges posed by climate change. With temperatures soaring during late heatwaves, harvesting at night has become essential to preserve grape freshness and taste.
在法國著名的波爾多地區,釀酒師們正在採用一種非常規的方式來採收葡萄 - 夜間收成。這種傳統的轉變不僅是為了追求最高品質的葡萄酒,也是對氣候變化挑戰的直接回應。隨著後期熱浪,氣溫升至高點,夜間收成已經變得十分關鍵,以保持葡萄的新鮮度和口感。
As the clock strikes 5 am, a harvester equipped with powerful headlights gently maneuvers along rows of vines, ensuring each grape is picked at its peak. Loic Malherbe, a seasoned harvester, explains that this nocturnal practice is all about maintaining grape quality and preserving equipment and the well-being of those involved. Although it may seem unconventional, it is becoming increasingly common in several winemaking regions with scorching summers and is likely to grow in popularity as climate change continues to impact viticulture.
當清晨五點的鐘聲敲響時,一台配備強大車頭燈的收割機緩緩地沿著一排排葡萄樹穿梭,確保每一顆葡萄都能在其最好的時刻被採摘。經驗豐富的採摘工梅爾貝(Loic Malherbe)解釋說,這種夜間的做法主要是為了保持葡萄的品質,同時也是為了保護設備和相關人員的身體健康。儘管這種做法可能看起來不合常規,但在一些夏季酷熱的釀酒地區已經變得越來越普遍,並且隨著氣候變化的持續影響,這種做法很可能會越來越流行。
Beyond the pursuit of quality, nighttime harvesting also offers a financial advantage to struggling vineyard owners. Kees van Leeuwen, a viniculture professor at Bordeaux Sciences Agro University, highlights the energy-saving benefits of harvesting in cooler temperatures. Refrigeration costs are significantly reduced as grapes can be transported without the need for cooling during the journey to the pressing facilities.
除了追求品質之外,夜間收成還為陷入困境的葡萄園主提供了經濟上的優勢。波爾多農業科學大學(Bordeaux Sciences Agro University)的葡萄栽培學教授李文(Kees van Leeuwen)強調,在較低溫度下進行收成有助於節省能源。由於在送往壓榨工廠的過程中不需要冷藏,葡萄的冷卻成本因此大幅降低。
In Bordeaux, one of France's protected designation regions, nighttime harvesting has primarily been associated with white and rosé wines. Vineyard owner Stephane Heraud, who also leads the cooperative Vignerons de Tutiac, acknowledges the potential challenges posed by nighttime harvesting for red wines, as it may lead to unwanted oxidation. To counter this, dry ice is spread over the grapes, maintaining low temperatures and reducing oxygen levels during transportation to the cooperative.
波爾多是法國的指定保護產區,夜間收成主要與白葡萄酒和粉紅酒相關。葡萄園主埃羅(Stephane Heraud)同時也是Vignerons de Tutiac合作社的負責人,他認為夜間收成會對紅葡萄酒帶來挑戰,因為夜間採收可能導致氧化問題。為了解決這個問題,他會在葡萄上撒上乾冰,以保持低溫並減少在運送至合作社期間的氧氣含量。
Tutiac, known for its pesticide-free rosé, has gained recognition for its quality. Night harvesting plays a pivotal role in producing light-colored and clear rosé wines by limiting the transfer of color from grape skins to the juice. This environmentally conscious approach has attracted attention, even challenging the traditional rosé producers from the Provence region.
Nighttime harvesting is not unique to Bordeaux. It has long been practiced in regions like Australia and California, driven by the necessity of coping with extreme heat. As climate change continues to accelerate, this practice is gradually gaining acceptance in Bordeaux, and experts like Van Leeuwen suggest that it may eventually extend to red grape varieties, which constitute the majority of Bordeaux's wine production.
Keyword Drills 關鍵字:
- Challenges (Chal-len-ges): This shift in tradition is not only driven by the pursuit of top-quality wines but is also a direct response to the challenges posed by climate change.
- Viniculture (Vin-i-cul-ture): Kees van Leeuwen, a professor of viniculture at Bordeaux Sciences Agro University.
- Nocturnal (Noc-tur-nal): This nocturnal practice is all about maintaining grape quality and preserving equipment.
- Viticulture (Vi-ti-cul-ture): It is likely to grow in popularity as climate change continues to impact viticulture.
- Pesticide (Pes-ti-cide): Tutiac, known for its pesticide-free rosé, has gained recognition for its quality.
Reference article: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/archives/2023/09/09/2003805988