
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K687: 「憂鬱」音樂對痛覺的治癒力 The Healing Power of Melancholy: Music's Impact on Pain Perception

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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K687: The Healing Power of Melancholy: Music's Impact on Pain Perception

Highlights 主題摘要:

  • Music as Pain Relief: Certain music, especially melancholic tunes, can temporarily reduce pain perception, providing a unique and side-effect-free approach to managing physical discomfort.
  • Emotional Connection: The study highlights the emotional impact of music, revealing that bittersweet and moving songs are more effective in relieving pain than calming or cheerful tunes.
  • Health Benefits of Music: Beyond pain relief, embracing music—whether melancholic or upbeat—offers various health benefits, including stress reduction and improved sleep, encouraging its therapeutic exploration.

Listening to music may offer more than just a pleasant auditory experience; it could serve as a temporary remedy for physical pain, according to a recent study featured on CNN. The research suggests that certain types of music, particularly those with bittersweet and emotional themes, can alleviate individuals' perception of pain. Notably, the study found that the most effective pain relievers were sad songs, capable of tapping into the emotional dimensions of our experiences.



The study, conducted with 63 young adults, involved participants selecting two of their favorite songs—one representing their all-time favorite and the other a song they would bring to a desert island. Additionally, participants chose from a set of unfamiliar relaxing instrumental songs. The impact of these songs on pain perception was evaluated through a series of 7-minute sessions where participants listened to their favorite music, the relaxing instrumental songs, a scrambled version of both, or sat in silence. A hot object was applied to their left inner forearms to simulate a painful experience.



Results revealed that individuals reported feeling less pain when listening to their favorite songs compared to hearing unfamiliar relaxing tunes or sitting in silence. Interestingly, songs with bittersweet and moving themes were more effective in reducing pain than calming or cheerful ones. Lead study author Darius Valevicius, a doctoral student of neurosciences at the University of Montreal, highlighted the significance of this finding, suggesting that people intuitively turn to melancholic music for its pain-relieving effects.

結果顯示,與聽不熟悉的輕鬆曲調或靜坐相比,當參與者聽他們最喜歡的歌曲時,他們報告感覺到的疼痛較少。有趣的是,具有苦澀和動人主題的歌曲在減輕疼痛方面比安撫或愉悅的歌曲更為有效。研究的主要作者,蒙特婁大學神經科學博士生Darius Valevicius,強調了這一發現的重要性,暗示人們本能地轉向憂鬱音樂以獲得緩解疼痛的效果。


The study also explored the connection between listening to bittersweet songs and experiencing chills, commonly associated with pleasurable music. While not thoroughly examined, researchers hypothesized that these musical chills might contribute to pain-blocking effects, possibly through a mechanism known as sensory gating. Although music may reduce pain perception by approximately 10%, experts caution that it is not a substitute for medical intervention. Nevertheless, embracing music, whether melancholic or upbeat, offers various health benefits, including stress reduction and improved sleep. The findings encourage individuals to explore the therapeutic potential of music for enhancing well-being.



Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Particularly (par-ti-cu-lar-ly): The research suggests that certain types of music, particularly those with bittersweet and emotional themes, can alleviate individuals' perception of pain.
  2. Instrumental (in-stru-men-tal): Additionally, participants chose from a set of unfamiliar relaxing instrumental songs.
  3. Melancholic (me-lan-cho-lic): Lead study author Darius Valevicius, a doctoral student of neurosciences at the University of Montreal, highlighted the significance of this finding, suggesting that people intuitively turn to melancholic music for its pain-relieving effects.
  4. Pleasurable (plea-su-ra-ble): The study also explored the connection between listening to bittersweet songs and experiencing chills, commonly associated with pleasurable music.
  5. Approximately (ap-pro-xi-mate-ly): Although music may reduce pain perception by approximately 10%, experts caution that it is not a substitute for medical intervention.


Reference article: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/25/health/listen-to-sad-songs-less-pain-wellness/index.html