
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K739: 墨西哥的鬥牛提倡者努力進行教育,吸引新的追隨者 Bullfighting Advocates in Mexico Strive to Educate and Attract New Followers



國際時事跟讀 Ep.K739: Bullfighting Advocates in Mexico Strive to Educate and Attract New Followers


Highlights 主題摘要:

  • Educational Initiatives for Bullfighting: The Mexican Association of Bullfighting is actively organizing workshops to educate and engage the younger generation in an effort to counter negative perceptions.
  • Perception Shift Among Youth: Participants, like Estefanía Manrique, experienced a change in perception after gaining insights into the artistry and strategy behind bullfighting rituals.
  • Ongoing Struggle Amidst Legal Battles: Bullfighting faces challenges, including legal battles and opposition. Despite protests, bullfights resumed in Mexico City, reflecting the complex interplay between tradition and evolving values.

Bullfighting, a centuries-old tradition in Mexico, faces challenges from global animal rights activists who label it as bull torture. In response, the Mexican Association of Bullfighting has initiated educational workshops to attract new followers, especially among the younger generation. In a recent session led by rancher José Arturo Jiménez, around 40 university students learned about the various aspects of breeding and caring for fighting bulls. The association aims to counter the negative perception of bullfighting and ensure its survival amidst legal battles and growing opposition.

鬥牛是墨西哥幾個世紀以來的傳統,卻面臨全球動物權利運動的挑戰,他們將其視為對牛的虐待。為應對這個挑戰,墨西哥鬥牛協會發起了教育工作坊,以吸引新的追隨者,特別是年輕的一代。在最近一次由農場主José Arturo Jiménez主持的工作坊中,約有40名大學生了解了養殖和照顧鬥牛的各個方面。協會希望能消除人們對鬥牛的負面看法,確保鬥牛在法律訴訟和增長的反對聲浪下得以生存。


Despite being allowed in most of Mexico, bullfighting is suspended in certain states, and a legal battle in Mexico City puts the future of the world's largest bullfighting arena, Plaza Mexico, at risk. Recognizing that the current audience is not predominantly young, Jiménez and the association have organized over a hundred events and workshops across Mexico to educate and engage the youth. Jiménez emphasizes the importance of providing information to allow people to make informed decisions about the tradition, acknowledging that awareness is key to fostering understanding.

儘管墨西哥大多數地區都允許鬥牛,但某些州卻是暫停的,而在墨西哥城的一場官司使世界上最大的鬥牛場Plaza Mexico的未來岌岌可危。Jiménez和協會意識到目前的主要觀眾並非年輕人,因此他們在墨西哥各地組織了一百多場活動和工作坊,以教育和吸引年輕人。Jiménez強調提供信息的重要性,以使人們能夠對這項傳統做出明智的決定,並認為提高人們的認知是促進理解的關鍵。


The workshops focus on different aspects of breeding fighting bulls, highlighting the meticulous care and studies conducted to understand the animals' fighting spirit. Participants, like environmental engineering student Estefanía Manrique, express how their perceptions changed after gaining insights into the rituals surrounding bullfighting. Manrique, who initially viewed it as abuse, now appreciates the artistry and strategy involved in the practice. Despite facing criticism from her peers, she stands by her passion for bullfighting.

這些工作坊聚焦於養殖鬥牛的不同方面,強調為了理解動物的鬥爭心而進行的細心照料和研究。參與者,如環境工程專業的Estefanía Manrique,表達了在深入瞭解鬥牛儀式後,他們的看法如何改變。Manrique一開始將鬥牛視為虐待行為,但現在他欣賞其中蘊含的藝術和策略。儘管受到同儕的批評,他仍堅持自己對鬥牛的熱情。


José Arturo Jiménez is optimistic that these educational efforts will attract new aficionados, ensuring the continuation of the tradition beyond the entertainment aspect. He envisions a future where people connect with the land, engage in responsible animal care, and appreciate the cycle of life, acknowledging the necessity of animal consumption while respecting and caring for them.

José Arturo Jiménez樂觀地認為,這些教育工作將吸引新的愛好者,確保傳統在娛樂以外的方面得以延續。在他設想中,未來人們將與土地建立聯繫,以負責任的態度照顧動物,並尊重生命的循環,在尊重和愛護動物的同時,認知珍惜動物消費的必要。


In a contrasting development, bullfights resumed in Mexico City's Plaza México after a year and a half of suspension, sparking protests from animal rights activists. Despite the legal battles and opposition, the vibrant atmosphere inside the arena reflects the ongoing struggle between tradition and evolving values. The resumption of bullfighting in the face of protests highlights the complexities surrounding cultural practices and ethical considerations in contemporary society.

與此相反的是,在經過一年半的暫停後,鬥牛在墨西哥城的Plaza México恢復,引起了動物權利保護人士的抗議。儘管仍面對法律糾紛和反對聲浪,鬥牛場內的熱鬧氣氛反映了傳統與不斷演變的價值觀間的持續鬥爭。而在抗議聲中恢復鬥牛,則凸顯了當前社會下,傳統文化和道德考量的複雜性。


Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Predominantly (pre-do-mi-nant-ly): Recognizing that the current audience is not predominantly young.
  2. Meticulous (me-tic-u-lous): The workshops focus on different aspects of breeding fighting bulls, highlighting the meticulous care and studies conducted.
  3. Aficionados (a-fi-cio-na-dos): José Arturo Jiménez is optimistic that these educational efforts will attract new aficionados.
  4. Continuation (con-tin-u-a-tion): He envisions a future where people connect with the land, engage in responsible animal care, and ensure the continuation of the tradition.
  5. Contemporary (con-tem-po-rar-y): The resumption of bullfighting in the face of protests highlights the complexities surrounding cultural practices and ethical considerations in contemporary society.


Reference article:

1. https://apnews.com/article/mexico-bullfighting-animal-rights-legal-battle-plaza-1ebfb668141a22b0b7b1282e70ed921d

2. https://apnews.com/article/mexico-bullfighting-young-people-workshops-1e2ba4342b531b468e35493018b2d6a3