
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K831: YouTube 最大明星 MrBeast 因過往言論陷入爭議 MrBeast: YouTube's Biggest Star Faces Controversy Over Past Remarks





國際時事跟讀 Ep.K831: YouTube 最大明星 MrBeast 因過往言論陷入爭議 MrBeast: YouTube's Biggest Star Faces Controversy Over Past Remarks


Highlights 主題摘要:

  • MrBeast, YouTube's biggest star, is facing controversy over past racist and sexist comments from 2017 podcasts, which have recently resurfaced on social media.
  • MrBeast's team acknowledged his past inappropriate language, stating he has since apologized and learned about the responsibility that comes with his increasing influence.
  • The controversy extends beyond MrBeast's past remarks, as his collaborator Ava Kris Tyson faces accusations of sending inappropriate messages to a minor, leading to Tyson's removal from MrBeast's company.

MrBeast, the YouTube sensation known for his extravagant videos and philanthropic efforts, has recently found himself at the center of controversy. The content creator, whose real name is Jimmy Donaldson, has acknowledged using "inappropriate language" in his early online days. This admission comes as clips from 2017 podcasts, containing racist and sexist comments, have resurfaced on social media.

YouTube 知名網紅 MrBeast ,以其誇張的影片和慈善行為聞名,近來卻捲入了爭議風波。這位本名為 Jimmy Donaldson (吉米唐納森)的內容創作者承認在早期網路生涯中使用過「不當語言」。這個告解源於 2017 年播客節目片段的重新流傳,其中包含種族主義和性別歧視言論。


With a staggering 307 million YouTube subscribers, MrBeast has become a household name among young audiences. His videos, featuring whimsical challenges and generous giveaways, regularly attract over 100 million views. However, the emergence of these controversial clips has cast a shadow over his reputation. In one instance, Donaldson was heard responding to a viewer's comment about "selling Black people for money," stating that "the most I would pay is probably 300." He also used homophobic slurs and made inappropriate comments about underage celebrities.

MrBeast 擁有驚人的 3.07 億 YouTube 訂閱者,已成為年輕觀眾中家喻戶曉的名字。他的影片以異想天開的挑戰和慷慨的贈禮為特色,經常吸引超過 1 億次的觀看。然而,這些具爭議性片段的出現,卻為他的名聲蒙上了一層陰影。在其中一個例子中,唐納森回應一位觀眾關於「販賣黑人賺錢」的留言,稱「我最多可能願意付 300 美元」。他也使用了同性戀歧視性詞彙,並對未成年名人發表不當評論。


A spokesperson for MrBeast addressed the situation, explaining that when Donaldson was a teenager, he "acted like many kids and used inappropriate language while trying to be funny." The statement emphasized that over the years, Donaldson has repeatedly apologized and learned about the responsibility that comes with his increasing influence. As an adult, he has reportedly focused on engaging with his community to make a positive impact around the world. This response highlights the complex issue of holding public figures accountable for past behavior while acknowledging personal growth and change.

MrBeast 的發言人針對此事發表聲明,解釋當唐納森還是青少年時,他「和許多孩子一樣,為了搞笑而使用不當語言」。聲明強調,多年來唐納森已多次道歉,並了解到隨著影響力增加,責任也隨之而來。據報導,他成年後致力於與社群互動,共同為世界帶來正面影響。這回應凸顯了一個複雜議題:如何在追究公眾人物過往行為責任的同時,也認可其個人成長與改變。


The controversy surrounding MrBeast doesn't end with his past remarks. His longtime collaborator, Ava Kris Tyson, has been accused of sending inappropriate messages to a minor. Donaldson has distanced himself from Tyson, stating that he is "disgusted and opposed to such unacceptable acts." He has taken immediate action to remove Tyson from his company and channel. As MrBeast navigates these challenging times, it remains to be seen how these controversies will affect his career and the empire he has built. With a reported net worth of around $500 million in 2022 and a recent $100 million TV deal with Amazon, Donaldson's influence extends far beyond YouTube. His ability to weather this storm may depend on how he continues to address these issues and demonstrate genuine change. The situation also raises broader questions about cancel culture, redemption, and the responsibility of influencers with massive followings.

MrBeast 的爭議並不止於他過去的言論。他的長期合作夥伴 Ava Kris Tyson (艾娃克里斯泰森)被指控向未成年人發送不當訊息。唐納森已與泰森劃清界線,聲明他「對這種不可接受的行為感到厭惡和反對」。他已立即採取行動,將泰森從公司和頻道中移除。在 MrBeast 面對這些艱難時刻之際,這些爭議將如何影響他的事業和已建立的帝國仍有待觀察。據報導,唐納森在 2022 年的淨資產約為 5 億美元,最近還與亞馬遜簽下了 1 億美元的電視合約,他的影響力已遠超 YouTube 平台。能否渡過這場風暴,可能取決於他如何繼續處理這些問題並展現真誠的改變。這種情況也引發了更廣泛的問題,包括網路取消文化(公審)、贖罪,以及擁有大量追隨者的網紅應負的責任。


Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Philanthropic (Phil-an-throp-ic): MrBeast, the YouTube sensation known for his extravagant videos and philanthropic efforts, has recently found himself at the center of controversy.
  2. Resurfaced (Re-sur-faced): This admission comes as clips from 2017 podcasts, containing racist and sexist comments, have resurfaced on social media.
  3. Whimsical (Whim-si-cal): His videos, featuring whimsical challenges and generous giveaways, regularly attract over 100 million views.
  4. Inappropriate (In-ap-pro-pri-ate): He also used homophobic slurs and made inappropriate comments about underage celebrities.
  5. Repeatedly (Re-peat-ed-ly): The statement emphasized that over the years, Donaldson has repeatedly apologized and learned about the responsibility that comes with his increasing influence.


Reference article:

1. https://apnews.com/article/mrbeast-jimmy-donaldson-allegations-philanthropy-feastibles-742306d7c77e2eca8d895bf439790c69

2. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/youtube-mr-beast-racist-controversy-statement-b2589319.html