
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K835: 孟加拉全國抗議引起政治動盪 Unrest in Bangladesh: Quota System Sparks Nationwide Protests

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國際時事跟讀 Ep.K835: Unrest in Bangladesh: Quota System Sparks Nationwide Protests


Highlights 主題摘要:

  • Bangladesh is experiencing widespread protests against a controversial job quota system, which have escalated into violent clashes between demonstrators, government supporters, and security forces, challenging Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government.
  • The unrest is fueled by broader issues of corruption, economic inequality, and shrinking democratic space, despite Bangladesh's economic growth under Hasina's leadership, leading to widespread public anger.
  • The government's response, including the use of force and internet restrictions, has drawn criticism from human rights organizations, while the international community calls for restraint and dialogue to address underlying issues.

Bangladesh is experiencing widespread protests and civil unrest, marking one of the most significant challenges to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government in recent years. The demonstrations, which began as peaceful student protests against a controversial job quota system, have escalated into violent clashes between protesters, pro-government supporters, and security forces.

孟加拉正經歷廣泛的抗議和社會動盪,顯示著近年來對謝赫•哈西娜(Sheikh Hasina)總理政府最重大的挑戰之一。這場示威最初是學生針對具爭議性的工作配額制(job quota system)發起的和平抗議,但已升級為抗議者、親政府支持者和安全部隊之間的暴力衝突。


At the heart of the conflict is a quota system that reserves a significant portion of government jobs for specific groups, including descendants of veterans from Bangladesh's 1971 war of independence. Critics argue that this system is discriminatory and unfairly benefits supporters of the ruling Awami League party. Students and young job seekers are demanding that recruitment be based on merit, pointing to high unemployment rates and limited job opportunities for university graduates.

衝突的核心是一個為特定群體保留大量政府職位的配額制度,包括孟加拉 1971 年獨立戰爭退伍軍人的後代。批評者認為,這個制度具有歧視性,並不公平地使執政的人民聯盟黨(Awami League)支持者受益。學生和年輕求職者將目標指向高失業率和大學畢業生有限的就業機會,要求基於才能進行招聘。


The protests have intensified due to broader issues of corruption, economic inequality, and concerns about shrinking democratic space in Bangladesh. Despite the country's impressive economic growth under Hasina's leadership, many citizens feel that the benefits have not been equally distributed. Allegations of corruption among high-ranking officials and a perceived lack of accountability have further fueled public anger.



The government's response to the protests has been controversial, with reports of excessive force being used against demonstrators. The deployment of riot police and paramilitary forces, along with internet shutdowns and restrictions on mobile services, has drawn criticism from human rights organizations. As the situation continues to evolve, the international community is closely monitoring events in Bangladesh, calling for restraint and dialogue to address the underlying issues fueling the unrest.



The unrest has spread beyond the capital Dhaka to other major cities, with university campuses becoming focal points for demonstrations. Reports suggest that dozens of people have been killed and hundreds injured in the violence. The government has ordered the closure of schools and universities in an attempt to quell the protests, but this move has only seemed to intensify the anger among students and their supporters.



Prime Minister Hasina has announced a judicial investigation into the killings and called for patience as the Supreme Court reviews the quota system. However, many protesters feel that these measures are insufficient and are calling for more substantial reforms. The situation remains tense, with both sides seemingly unwilling to back down. As Bangladesh grapples with this crisis, the outcome of these protests could have far-reaching implications for the country's political landscape and economic future.



Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Descendant (De-scend-ant): At the heart of the conflict is a quota system that reserves a significant portion of government jobs for specific groups, including descendants of veterans from Bangladesh's 1971 war of independence.
  2. Discriminatory (Dis-crim-i-na-to-ry): Critics argue that this system is discriminatory and unfairly benefits supporters of the ruling Awami League party.
  3. Intensified (In-ten-si-fied): The protests have intensified due to broader issues of corruption, economic inequality, and concerns about shrinking democratic space in Bangladesh.
  4. Inequality (In-e-qual-i-ty): The protests have intensified due to broader issues of corruption, economic inequality, and concerns about shrinking democratic space in Bangladesh.
  5. Judicial (Ju-di-cial): Prime Minister Hasina has announced a judicial investigation into the killings and called for patience as the Supreme Court reviews the quota system.


Reference article:

1. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cq5xye1d285o

2. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/19/asia/bangladesh-job-quota-protests-explainer-intl-hnk/index.html