
國際時事跟讀 Ep.K863: Meta Connect 2024:一窺 AR 和 AI 的未來

Meta Connect 2024: A Glimpse into the Future of AR and AI

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國際時事跟讀VIP Ep.K863: Meta Connect 2024: A Glimpse into the Future of AR and AI


Highlights 主題摘要:

  • Meta unveiled the "Orion" AR glasses prototype, showcasing advanced features like hologram display and gesture tracking in a regular glasses form factor, signaling a major step towards wearable AR technology.
  • The new Quest 3S VR headset, priced at $299, offers a more affordable entry point to virtual reality, demonstrating Meta's commitment to making VR technology more accessible to mainstream consumers.
  • Meta's AI advancements, including updates to Ray-Ban smart glasses and the Llama 3.2 model, highlight the company's focus on integrating AI into everyday devices and expanding its capabilities across social platforms.

Meta's annual Connect event, held in September 2024, showcased the company's latest innovations in augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI). CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a range of new products and features, highlighting Meta's commitment to shaping the future of technology.

Meta 年度 Connect 大會於 2024 年 9 月舉行,展示了該公司在擴增實境(AR)和人工智慧(AI)方面的最新創新。執行長祖克柏公開了一系列新產品和功能,表明 Meta 致力於塑造科技未來的承諾。


The star of the show was undoubtedly the "Orion" AR glasses prototype. Although not yet available for purchase, these glasses represent a significant step towards truly wearable AR technology. Unlike bulky headsets, Orion aims to pack advanced features into a form factor resembling regular glasses. The prototype boasts tiny projectors that display holograms on the lenses, along with sensors for tracking voice, eye movement, and hand gestures. While a release date remains uncertain, Meta hinted at a launch in the "near future."

本次展會的亮點無疑是「獵戶座」(Orion)AR 眼鏡原型。儘管尚未上市,這款眼鏡代表了向真正可穿戴 AR 技術邁進的重要一步。與笨重的頭戴式裝置不同,獵戶座旨在將先進功能融入類似普通眼鏡的外形中。這款原型配備了微型投影機,可在鏡片上顯示全息影像,還有用於追蹤語音、眼球運動和手勢的感應器。雖然發售日期尚未確定,但 Meta 暗示將在「不久的將來」推出。


On the more accessible front, Meta introduced the Quest 3S, a budget-friendly virtual reality (VR) headset priced at $299. This new model offers a more affordable entry point into VR, with some compromises in resolution and storage compared to its higher-end sibling, the Quest 3. The Quest 3S is set to begin shipping on October 15, marking Meta's continued push to make VR technology more mainstream.

在更易入手的產品方面,Meta 推出了售價 299 美元的 Quest 3S,這是一款經濟實惠的虛擬實境(VR)頭戴裝置。相較於其高階版本的 Quest 3,這款新機型在解析度和儲存空間方面有所妥協,但提供了更實惠的 VR 入門選擇。Quest 3S 將於 10 月 15 日開始出貨,標誌著 Meta 持續推動 VR 技術普及化的努力。


AI advancements were another key focus of the event. Meta announced updates to its Ray-Ban smart glasses, integrating new AI features without changing the hardware. These enhancements include improved voice commands, the ability to set reminders based on objects in view, and better language translation capabilities. The company also revealed updates to its Meta AI assistant, introducing celebrity voices and expanding its capabilities across Meta's social media platforms.

AI 進展是本次活動的另一個重點。Meta 宣布對其雷朋(Ray-Ban)智慧眼鏡進行更新,在不改變硬體的情況下整合新的 AI 功能。這些增強功能包括改進的語音命令、根據視野中的物體設置提醒的能力,以及更優秀的語言翻譯能力。該公司還公布了對 Meta AI 助理的更新,引入名人聲音並擴展其在 Meta 社交媒體平台上的功能。


Meta's open-source AI model, Llama 3.2, now includes vision capabilities, allowing it to analyze and describe images. This puts it in direct competition with similar features offered by other tech giants. Additionally, Meta's AI can now edit photos with text prompts, performing tasks like adding or removing objects or changing backgrounds.

Meta 的開源 AI 模型 Llama 3.2 現在包含視覺能力,可以分析和描述圖像。這使其與其他科技大廠提供的類似功能直接競爭。此外,Meta 的 AI 現在可以通過文字提示編輯照片,執行添加或移除物體或更改背景等任務。


Meta Connect 2024 painted a picture of a future where AR and AI technologies seamlessly blend into our daily lives. From glasses that can display holograms to AI assistants that understand natural language, Meta is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in human-computer interaction.

Meta Connect 2024 勾勒出一幅 AR 和 AI 技術無縫融入我們日常生活的未來圖景。從可顯示全息影像的眼鏡到能理解自然語言的 AI 助理,Meta 正在推動充滿人機互動可能性的界限。


However, these advancements also raise important questions about privacy and data security. As Meta continues to innovate, balancing technological progress with ethical considerations will be crucial in shaping the future of digital experiences. The company's success will depend not only on the capabilities of its products but also on how well it addresses concerns about user privacy and responsible AI use.

然而,這些進展也引發了有關隱私和資料安全的重要問題。隨著 Meta 持續創新,平衡技術進步與倫理考量將是塑造數位體驗未來的關鍵。該公司的成功不僅取決於其產品的能力,還取決於如何有效解決使用者隱私和負責任的 AI 使用疑慮。


Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Augmented (Aug-ment-ed): Meta's annual Connect event, held in September 2024, showcased the company's latest innovations in augmented reality and artificial intelligence.
  2. Undoubtedly (Un-doubt-ed-ly): The star of the show was undoubtedly the "Orion" AR glasses prototype.
  3. Compromise (Com-pro-mise): This new model offers a more affordable entry point into VR, with some compromises in resolution and storage compared to its higher-end sibling, the Quest 3.
  4. Capabilities (Ca-pa-bil-i-ties): The company also revealed updates to its Meta AI assistant, introducing celebrity voices and expanding its capabilities across Meta's social media platforms.
  5. Ethical (Eth-i-cal): As Meta continues to innovate, balancing technological progress with ethical considerations will be crucial in shaping the future of digital experiences.


Reference article:

1. https://www.engadget.com/home/smart-home/apples-rumored-smart-display-may-arrive-in-2025-running-new-homeos-212401853.html

2. https://www.businessinsider.com/meta-connect-live-updates-mark-zuckerberg-keynote-2024-9#thats-a-wrap-zuckerberg-closes-out-his-keynote-with-a-glimpse-into-the-ai-future